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“There is nothing you can do, Hunter.”

I hear her following behind me. I have no clue what I can do right now. Call for Bob? The cops?

“You’re a man. No one is going to believe you over me.”

“Leave, Millie!” I shout, my hand gripping the counter.

“I will not!” Millie shouts. I feel her hand on my back and I wrench away from her, taking several steps back until I’m against the wall.

“Don’t touch me! Don’t ever touch me!”

“What the hell is going on out here?”

Millie and I both turn and find Bob standing outside his office with his hands on his hips. He’s glancing between us, a dark frown marring his features. His hair is tousled, and his clothes are wrinkled. It looks like he’s been spending most his time going over the finances again, given the dark circles under his eyes. He straightens his glasses as he looks at Millie.

Millie’s bottom lip quivers. Her eyes glimmer in the low light. I roll my eyes as she bursts into tears. She covers her face with her hands. Her shoulders shake as she cries. Someone needs to give her an award for being the best liar and manipulator.

“I’m so sorry for shouting,” Millie wails, “but this man was harassing me.” She points an accusing finger in my direction.

“This man?” Bob asks while wagging a finger at me.

Millie lifts her head, following the direction of Bob’s finger to me before nodding. Like there could be any other man in the shop besides me and Bob. “Yes,” she whimpers. “That’s the man.”

“Well, isn’t that interesting.” Bob strides toward me. I grip my hands, waiting for him to scold me for being so rude to a customer, to insist I apologize, to fire me. He comes to stand right next to me and I flinch when he rests a hand on my shoulder. “Because I came out here when I couldn’t stand watching the store’s cameras any longer.”

“Huh?” Millie’s tears have suddenly vanished. She straightens herself as she glances between me and Bob, looking confused.

“Why were you touching my employee?” Bob scowls at Millie. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him look so angry. His hand on my shoulder is shaking.

“Huh?” Millie takes a step back. “I don’t know—”

“Oh, I think you do know. Couldn’t you tell you were making him uncomfortable?”

Millie doesn’t answer as she takes another step back.

“Frankly, you were being completely inappropriate. And that doesn’t sit well with me, little missy.”

“But he—”

Bob shakes his head. “He did nothing. I saw it all. You are no longer welcome in this store. Leave. Now.”

Millie turns to me, her mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. “Hunter—”

“I said to leave,” Bob says darkly. “Or do you want me to call the police? I’m sure they will be very interested in why you kept touching my employee.”

With one last look at me, Millie turns around and quickly runs out the door. I release a breath I didn’t realize I had been holding. I lean against the counter, pressing my forehead into the cool metal while I try to gather my strength.

“Are you all right?”

I grimace, my hands fisting as I stare at the counter just millimeters from my face. “I don’t know.”

“I’ll get you the proper paperwork so she can never enter this place again. Although, you need to go to the authorities.”

I turn my head until my cheek is pressing against the counter. Bob is giving me this fatherly look. “Why?” I find myself asking.

“So you can create a file on her. I don’t think you can file a restraining order. At least not yet. You need proof of her harassing you, which you can get by starting a file.”

“You think she’s stalking me?”

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