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I look around the room, finding that Charlie and Lauren have most of the decorations packed up. There’s only the banner to take down and the cupcakes to put away. Everyone looks at me, their eyes wide with shock.

“What the hell happened?” Mike asks before cramming a cupcake into his mouth.

I clench my jaw, my shoulders shaking as the rage swims through me. If I speak, I know I will shout or smash my fist into something. Instead, I decide to keep my mouth shut.

“Is Rachel okay?” Hunter asks while rising. He fiddles with his fingers while shooting a glance upstairs.

I release a long sigh and bob my head. “I think she is now. I will check on her in a moment. Do you guys need help down here?”

“Nah, we’re pretty much done,” Lauren says while Charlie nods in agreement.

“We can talk down the banner,” says Lucas while gesturing toward Alex.

“And I will put the food away,” says Hunter.

I lean against the banister. “How was Bryan? Did you ever give him an answer?”

Charlie, Lauren, Alex, and Hunter groan in unison while Lucas rolls his eyes. Mike stuffs another cupcake into his mouth.

“That guy is so pretentious,” Alex says. “And I know pretentious, but I think he’s the worst of them.”

Lucas chuckles. “Even worse than my parents?”

Alex makes a face. “Well…”

“All right, I’m gonna check on Rachel,” I say while starting up the stairs. “Let me know if you guys need any help.”

“Will do!” Lucas shouts while I run up the stairs.

Rachel’s door is still open and when I make it to the landing, I can see her on the bed, still massaging her temples. “Are you okay?” I call to her, hurriedly making my way toward her.

“I’m fine,” she groans. “Just exhausted.”

I take her hands and help her ease further into the bed. “The doctor said to lay on your left side,” I say softly, hoping my voice soothes her.

Rachel groans and grabs a pillow, clutching it to her while she shifts her body onto her left side. “I really wish Mom didn’t find out this way.”

“If I had known she was coming, I would have asked the girls to have the party somewhere else.”

“How was any of us to know?” Rachel sighs and shakes her head. She looks so frail cuddled up to her large pillow. Her face is pale, her cheeks puffy—most likely from the preeclampsia. “She just showed up without a single call.”

“Do you think she called you and we didn’t see it?”

Rachel nods to her phone, resting on her nightstand. “Have a look.”

I seize it and frown down at the lack of messages and missed calls. The last time Rachel talked with her mom was when she fell and had to go to the hospital. Otherwise, there’s nothing. The bitch just showed up to be a drama queen. Wonderful.

Before I can put the phone back, it begins vibrating. I stifle a groan when I see the ID flashing ‘Dad’ on the screen.

Rachel moans and makes a face. “Is that Mom?”

“It’s your dad.”

Rachel groans again as she sits up. She snatches the phone from me and scowls at the ID. “Let me guess, Mom called Dad to spill the news.” She rolls her eyes. “This day just keeps getting better.”

“You don’t have to take it,” I say while reaching for the phone. “You should relax.”

Rachel shakes her head. “He will keep calling until I pick up. No rest will be had. Let’s get this done and over with.” She stabs the green phone button and puts him on speaker.

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