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Chapter 14


Thisisthesecond time I’ve sat in this office in three days. The first was to swab the inside of my cheek. Hunter, of course, did it as well. Maria was asleep when they swabbed her. We could have done this after Rachel’s c-section, but Rachel and I decided it was best to do it when Hunter was here and after his ski trip was done.

And man, did Hunter have horror stories about that trip. I didn’t think teenagers could be that bad. I didn’t think I was ever that bad. Of course, how would I really know, since I always think I’m the greatest, even when I’m being an asshole.

My leg bobs up and down while I stare at the door, waiting for nurse to call our names and tell us who the father is. I feel kinda silly being so nervous. Even if Hunter is the father, it’s not like I won’t see Maria. I will still go home to her. Still clean up after her. Still watch her as she sleeps. Nothing much will change.

Other than knowing that we aren’t blood related.

And for some weird reason, after the big stink I pulled after discovering Rachel’s pregnancy, I really want to be the father. I want to be Maria’s father. I want her to know that I helped bring life to her. It’s weird, but that’s how I feel. Being a father is hard, but somehow I’m rocking it. I’m there for Rachel. I’m there for Maria. I feel like I can take on the world, and all because of this little baby.

“Will you stop fidgeting?” Lucas whispers to me. He reaches over Alex and plants his hand on my leg while giving me a dark glare. “You’re making me nervous and I’m not even in the running.”

“I can’t help it,” I say while shoving his hand off me. “I’m nervous. So sue me.”

Lucas purses his lips. “If I had the money, I would.”

I roll my eyes. “Wonderful.”

“Okay, both of you, stop,” Alex whispers harshly. “You’re making a scene.”

I watch Alex glancing at the mothers around us. I follow his gaze and see that many of them are staring at us. Some are even scowling. I notice one kid, about three years old, gaping at us. He shoves his whole hand into his mouth and his eyes widen.

“Sorry,” I murmur while looking at the floor.

Alex takes one of my hands and Rachel takes the other. “It will be fine,” Rachel whispers in my ear.

“More than fine,” says Alex. “You have nothing to worry about, Seth.”

I peer over at Hunter, who’s holding Maria. He’s staring down at her. I don’t think he’s moved since we sat down. I don’t even think he’s said a word. He’s stroking Maria’s cheek, looking exactly how a good father would look. I’m tempted to take Maria from his arms, but Lucas’s words stop me.

“Hey, Hunter,” Lucas says inquisitively, making me think he’s going to say something annoying. “What will you do if the baby turns out to be yours? Given Maria is named after Seth’s grandmother.”

I bristle. I hadn’t even thought of that. I merely mentioned it and Rachel latched onto the name. Rachel flushes and looks toward Hunter, who hasn’t even lifted his head or acknowledged Lucas’s question.

“Oh, I don’t know,” Hunter says with a shrug. “I guess I will have dibs on naming Seth’s kid.”

I raise an eyebrow. “You think there will be a next time?”

“Oh, there will most certainly be a next time,” Rachel says while nudging my shoulder. “I plan on having at least four children. If not more.”

“What?” Lucas and I shout, earning scowls and shushes from the mothers surrounding us.

“Four kids?” I whisper harshly.

“No, not four,” Lucas whispers. “She’s talking more than four.”

“How in the hell are we going to be able to afford that?” I ask.

Rachel isn’t looking at me. She’s smiling brightly at Hunter and Maria. “It’ll be fine,” she says. “Lucas is becoming a famous writer. Alex is a supermodel, and I will eventually become a popular photographer.”

I shake my head. Rachel is obviously not thinking clearly. Lucas has published one book. He has a sequel lined up, but what then? It’s not like he makes billions of dollars like his parents. And Alex is no supermodel. Sure, he’s super hot and a model, but that does not a supermodel make. Not to mention, Rachel has yet to start her second semester. She’s still on maternity leave and not planning to start for another two weeks. We’re fucked if we have four kids.

Although, a part of me hopes, if Maria isn’t mine, we try for another. And maybe even if Maria is mine, we still try for another.

Thankfully, before I can think more on whether or not we’ll try for another kid or what raising ten kids would be like for us, the nurse calls Rachel’s name. I nearly topple out of my chair trying to rise out of it. Hunter, being all stoic and calm, strides toward the door, while Alex and Rachel both take my hand and help me not trip over myself toward the door. We file inside, Hunter taking a seat near the doctor’s desk while Alex and I hover near the door. Rachel goes to stand by Hunter while Lucas stands in a corner and crosses his arms.

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