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“All right,” Dr. Adams says while pulling out a file from inside her desk. “Let’s start with Maria. How is she? Has she been putting on weight?”

“Yes,” Rachel says nervously. “Everything seems to be fine.”

“Any problems with sleeping?”

“No, not at all.”

“And your milk?” Dr. Adams asks while darting a glance at Rachel’s chest. “Any issues there?”

“Nope,” Rachel says with a smile. “We haven’t had any problems at all. We’re truly very blessed to have a healthy, happy baby girl.”

Dr. Adams directs her attention to the file, opening it to a random page. “Good,” she murmurs. “We’ll need to schedule an appointment to have her vaccinated, but I suppose that can wait until the end of our appointment. I’m sure everyone is wondering who the father is.”

She glances at us, her smile looking mischievous. I have no clue why. I do suspect she knows about our relationship and is polite enough to keep her thoughts about it to herself. Her gaze lands on me and my heart stops right then and there. She glances at Hunter before closing her file. I swear she’s trying to up the drama, because the bitch sits back in her seat and crosses her arms.

“The father…” Dr. Adams begins.

I lean toward her, waiting for her to spill the beans. Hunter straightens while Lucas copies my movements. Alex squeezes my hand. “It’ll be okay,” he whispers to me. “Don’t worry. It’ll be fine.”

Rachel wrings her hands as she glances between me and Hunter.

“Is Seth Garcia,” Dr. Adams finishes while looking at me.

I can hardly believe my ears. Did she say my name?

“What?” I breathe.

Dr. Adams gives me a curt nod. “You’re the father.”


Tears prickle my eyes, and for some reason I’m crying. I have no clue why. It’s not that big of a deal. At least it shouldn’t be. But for some odd reason, this means so much to me. Maria is my little girl. I’m her daddy, and I will never let what happened to me growing up happen to her. I will always look out for her no matter what.

“Congratulations, Daddy,” Alex says while pulling me into a tight hug.

I chuckle, allowing him to hold me while I wipe the tears streaming down my cheeks. We probably shouldn’t be this touchy in front of the nurse and doctor, but who gives a shit. I just found out I’m Maria’s biological daddy. I’m allowed to celebrate in my own way.

“Seth,” Rachel says while wrapping her arms around both Alex and me. “You’re a daddy.”

I lean my head against hers, breathing in her coconut shampoo. Hunter and Lucas come toward us, joining our little hug-fest. Hunter surprisingly is fine about the whole thing. At least, he’s not acting upset. He gives me a curt nod and a small smile. Congratulations, he mouths to me while holding Maria toward me.

I take her into my arms, stroking her little cheeks. She blinks up at me, her eyes so wide and curious. “Hello, little one,” I whisper to her. “It’s me. Seth. I’m your dad. I’m your daddy. And there isn’t nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”

Maria doesn’t say anything, which is normal. She’s only two months old, but I feel like, in those big eyes of hers, she understands me. We understand each other. There’s a bond between us now. We share blood. And there isn’t anything that will ever break that.

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