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“Just…don’t dirty the car,” the driver has the audacity to say. “I don’t think I can afford to have it cleaned right now.”

I scowl at him, and he jerks back around, starting the engine and reversing quickly out of our driveway. Oh, this asshole is totally getting one star. Don’t dirty his car? How can he say that when he has a crying, whimpering woman about to give birth in the backseat?

I pull Rachel closer to me, wondering if now is the time to call Lucas and the others. That asshole shouldn’t have left her in the first place. She would probably already be in the hospital if he had stuck with the program.

Never mind, I tell myself, deciding it’s best to concentrate on one problem at a time. I will call the bros when Rachel is safe at the hospital, and when Lucas finally does get around to showing his face, I may just give him a knuckle sandwich.


The asshole taxi driver at least gets us to the hospital within fifteen minutes, so instead of one star, I give him two. The hospital’s nurses are pretty efficient and within twenty minutes of arriving they have Rachel in bed, in a room with three other women waiting to give birth with their partners holding their hands, hovering over them with concern etched in their faces. I, of course, try to keep my shit together, but it’s a bit more difficult when Rachel has decided she’s going to try to squeeze my hand off.

I clench my jaw, biting back my pain while I attempt to call Lucas using my other hand. My pain is nothing compared to Rachel’s. I’m pretty sure if I did complain she would rip my head off like a praying mantis and eat it right then and there.

I concentrate on the dial tone to keep my mind off the pain, but by the tenth ring, I heave a long, frustrated sigh and give up. I’ve called the asshole at least ten times. He is so getting more than a knuckle sandwich when he finally shows his face.

Hey asshole! I type out on my phone. Rachel is giving birth. Just thought you would like to know! I smirk and press send. It’s up to Lucas now if he makes it in time. I’ve done my duty.

“Seth,” Rachel groans, her head lulling from side to side while her legs shift. “Where is Lucas?”

I brush her damp hair away from her face and press a chaste kiss to her forehead. “He’s coming,” I whisper. “Don’t worry. He will be here.”

Rachel sobs, tears slipping down her cheeks. “No, he’s not,” she whimpers. “He’s not coming.”

“He will come,” I insist.

Rachel shakes her head.

I don’t know what more I can say to her. I can’t lie to her anymore. Lucas may not come. His phone is probably tucked away somewhere. I can’t quite fault him for being unconcerned. It’s too early for Rachel to be giving birth and the c-section is scheduled in four days. We all thought this would never happen. I guess it goes to show, never say never.

I decide to distract myself from Rachel by calling Hunter, who picks up on the first ring with, “What’s happened? Is Rachel okay?”

“Well,” I start, not knowing where to begin. Hunter already sounds like he’s freaking out. Although, in his defense, it is about nine in the evening. Why would I be calling if everything is all peachy?

“Oh, my God, she’s giving birth, isn’t she?”


“I knew I should have stayed!”

“Hey, hey!” I shout, trying in vain to catch Hunter’s attention, but he’s talking over me.

“It’s okay,” Hunter breathes. “I think I can get there in a couple hours. Sure, I will definitely not finish the training, but I can be there. Don’t you—”

“Stop!” I shout, earning some very annoyed glances from the other couples in the room. Thankfully, it catches Hunter’s attention. He’s no longer talking, which is a good start. “Stay put,” I continue. “I’m here, remember? And Lucas,” I wrinkle my nose in distaste and force out, “is on his way.”

“Wait. Lucas isn’t there? Where is he?”

I shake my head. “It doesn’t matter. I’m here to help Rachel. Stay at your…training…thing.” I grimace. Fuck. What is it that Hunter is doing again? Some sort of counselor training for a…winter trip? It doesn’t matter. “I will keep you posted on every gruesome little detail.”

Rachel groans and I hiss when she clenches my hand harder.

“Are you sure you don’t need me there?” Hunter asks, his voice soft, worried.

“Positive,” I rasp. “Don’t worry. Rachel has me and Lucas. We’ll be here for her. Another body in the room will just be a crowd.”

Hunter makes an annoyed sound and I worry for a minute he’s going to get into his car and leave camp. He should stay. He’s been working his ass off trying to get a career in physical education. All his hard work will be wasted if he leaves now.

“Fine,” he finally says, sounding annoyed. “I will stay. But I want to know every detail.”

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