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I nod. “Every single little detail. Got it.”

“And you better call me if anything goes wrong.”

“I will.” Although I don’t know what good that will do. If anything goes wrong, is he going to hop on a helicopter and fly his ass over here to…what? Play doctor? With his crappy degree and grades? Doubtful.

As soon as I get off the phone with Hunter, my next call is to Alex, who also picks up on the first ring.

“Hey,” he says, sounding anxious. “Wasn’t I just on the phone with you…like an hour or two ago?”

“Yep. Rachel is having contractions.”

“What?” Alex breathes. “Is she all right? Is the baby okay?”

“Everything seems to be fine,” I say while glancing at Rachel, whose eyes are clamped shut. “She’s in a lot of pain, but that’s to be expected.”

“Shit!” I hear something drop and wonder if it’s Alex’s phone. There’s some rustling before I finally hear him say, “I knew I shouldn’t have left. I knew it was too close.”

“It’s fine. You didn’t know she would be giving birth this early.”

“But I should have stayed,” Alex says with a long, drawn-out sigh. “I should be there.”

“Well, there’s nothing you can do about it now.” I grimace and shake my head, hating how I’m boyfriend-ing terribly for Rachel and Alex. “I’m sorry. That was the wrong thing to say. Let’s start over. I’m here,” I say, my tone gentle. “It’s not your fault. It’s no one’s fault the baby is coming early. You’re there, and you should stay there. I have everything under control. Mostly,” I add when Rachel groans again and nearly breaks my wrist.

Alex’s soft chuckle makes my heart flutter and I smile into the phone, cradling it close to my ear. “That is indeed much better,” he says softly. “And you? You’re all right?”

I make a face. “Not really, but I will manage. I have a feeling I was the worst person to be left all alone with Rachel. I have no clue what I am doing.”

“I’m sure you’re doing exactly what you’re supposed to be doing.”

The door swings open and in pops Dr. Adams holding a tablet. Her eyes slide toward us and I perk up, my hand squeezing Rachel’s in worry. “All right, the doctor is here. I’m gonna have to let you go. I will keep you updated.”

“Okay,” Alex whispers. “Tell Rachel I love her.”

I nod. “Will do.”

“Well, this is definitely a surprise,” Dr. Adams says while approaching us. “We had you scheduled four days from now.”

“The baby had other plans,” I say while letting Rachel’s hand go briefly in order to make room for the doctor.

Rachel instantly grabs my other hand and I grimace, holding back a whimper.

“How are you feeling, Rachel?” Dr. Adams asks while hovering above us.

“Not good,” Rachel rasps. “Very, very not good.”

“Is the baby okay?” I ask while watching Dr. Adams nod.

The doctor sighs and glances between us. “We won’t really know until after the c-section. The baby is coming a little earlier than we originally wanted, which means there may be some complications. We will just have to wait and see.”

“So we are still going ahead with the c-section?” I ask while stroking Rachel’s head.

“Yes,” Dr. Adams says with a curt nod. “It’s better to have a c-section since the preeclampsia can still become eclampsia at any time. I’ll have a nurse come in shortly to prepare you for surgery. She will administer an epidural anesthetic. You will be awake the entire time and will be able to hold your baby after.”

“And that will help with the pain?” I ask, worried I sound stupid.

Dr. Adams, thankfully, smiles at us and nods. “Yes. It will give her some relief.”

“Thank fucking God,” Rachel groans.

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