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After a bit, Trey signaled that he had something else to say. "Listen up. As mom and dad said, we are the gold. We are the treasure and we need to remember that. We must honor mom and dad's wishes and let all this gold crazy stop. Agreed?"

"Agreed," everyone said without hesitation.

Trey nodded. “Plus, we have our spouses and our children.”

Kensi sniffed. “And there’s God, who will help us through anything.”

"True," Brooks said quietly.

"Oh yeah," Marshall agreed. "The good Lord never lets us down."

Trent nodded. "No, the good Lord never lets us down."

There was so much behind those words and Hunter couldn't wait to have time with his brother going over everything. But, first things first. “Guys, I have something I want to run by you.”

Everyone turned to him.

He smiled at Reese, then turned to face them. “What would you think of me becoming a pastor?”

Marshall froze, then barked out a laugh. “Are you serious?”

Kensi tsked her tongue at Marshall, then turned back to him. “I love the idea.”

Brooks narrowed his eyes. “I can see it.”

Trey grinned at him. “I’d say it fits and …" he broke off, and looked at Trent.

Trent grinned at his brother . "The eye patch pastor, I like it."

Hunter grinned back at him, then turned too Cheryse. "I mean, I want to marry this girl first, but then become a pastor.”

Cheryse’s eyebrows went up. "What?"

Trent busted out a laugh. "You're really asking her to marry you in a hospital room after you've just been shot?"

Marshall wailed out a laugh. "Dude, don't do it like this."

Kensi beamed. "Of course he is going to do it like this, it's perfect."

Brooks shrugged. "Is there a better time to ask a woman to marry you, then when you're shot?"

Trey beamed at him. "Not in my book."

Hunter grinned at Reese. “Yeah, I am asking. What do you say, Reese, will you marry me?”

Her face went into that face he’d seen from her a million times; stunned, taken off guard, happy. This time, tears were in her eyes. “Of course I'll marry you, what took you so long to ask?”

Everyone laughed.

Kensi scrunched up her nose. “This is the best love story ever.”

Chapter 36

One month later

Hunter stood on the beach next to the Stone family inn, wearing his tux. He couldn’t believe the day had finally arrived. It didn't feel right. Well, strike that—in most ways, it felt perfect. He and Reese had decided they didn't need to wait long, and they didn't need some fancy wedding.

He gently rubbed the aching flesh in the upper part of his chest. He was healing well. He had to take it slow, but he couldn’t complain, he was alive and the rest of his siblings and family was alive; he was grateful.

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