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Cheryse grinned and leaned into her friend. “I love him. I don't know if I've always loved him like this. I don't know so many things, but I want to be with him.”

Lucy's grin widened, and she squeezed her. “I know.”

Cheryse let out a light laugh. That was Lucy.

“Has Matt decided what he's going to do about the whole Raleigh situation?” Cheryse hadn't wanted to press Lucy about it. From personal experience, she understood the need to not have people pushing about important life issues.

Lucy shrugged. “Still not sure. I guess we'll see.”

Dawn moved next to them, grinning sheepishly.

Cheryse narrowed her eyes at her. "What is going on with you?"

Dawn gave a little shrug and then her grin widened. "Maybe the guy I've been dating in Wilmington mentioned he might want to come meet everyone and … possibly take it to the next level."

Lucy swatted at her shoulder. "What? Why haven't you said anything?"

Cheryse did the little swat to mimic Lucy. "Yeah."

Dawn giggled. "I don't know, I … part of me is scared, ya know. But," she said, glancing at both of them with a sparkle in her eyes. "Part of me thinks he might be the one."

Cheryse put her arms around both Dawn and Lucy. "That's amazing."

Lucy put a hand on Dawn's cheek. "So amazing, we're thrilled for you. In fact, after the shower is over, let's chat and I'll help you plan a 'meet and greet' for Mr. Wonderful."

Dawn blushed. "I'd like that."

Cheryse was happy that her friend was happy. They all talked about Dawn's guy for a bit, apparently, he was a business professor and they'd met after she'd heard him lecturing.

To Cheryse, he sounded a bit stuffy compared to Hunter; but wouldn't he seem stuffy in comparison to a scrappy ex-Navy SEAL with an eye patch?

Suddenly, the ring of the doorbell sounded through the air.

Ava held Trey junior in her arms and rushed to get it, looking around at them. "I have no idea who it could be, I think everyone we invited is here."

Not a minute later, they all heard a scream.

All of the women rushed to the front door and … Cheryse let out a little scream as well.

It couldn't be. It couldn't be. It couldn't be.


Ava pulled back from hugging him and Trent grinned at all of them; looking thinner than she last remembered him, but grinning broadly, his eyes stopping on Liberty. "Sorry to interrupt the party."

Liberty had her hands to her mouth, but she rushed at him, catapulting herself into his arms. "Trent!"

She crushed against them and Cheryse's heart raced. "How could this be?"

Kensi rushed at them and all of the women circled the happy couple.

Tears were on Trent's cheeks as he held Liberty and kissed her.

Liberty was crying, holding him tighter and tighter. "How can this be?"

All of the women hovered, wanting to know the answer to that and also wanting their chance to hug Trent. But Trent kissed her, then kissed her again.

Liberty giggled and cried and kissed him back.

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