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He sighed. “I know. I actually talked to Liberty tonight. We had a good heart-to-heart, and she seems like she’s doing okay.”

“Is she?” Cheryse worried about her.

“She said she is going to sell the beach house. She just can’t be here and not think about Trent all the time.”

“That makes sense. She’ll stay in Massachusetts with Tom?”

“She wasn’t sure. She said she might find another beach town and start over.”

Cheryse let that news settle. “I sure wish her happiness.”

“I do, too.”

They let the conversation lapse into silence again.

She thought about how much Trent would like them finding the treasure. “If we find the treasure, we should put up a statue of Trent holding the key.”

“No way. He’d like that too much, and I can’t make him too happy.”

She laughed. Hunter and Trent used to joke about not making each other too happy. “He’d also be happy just knowing we’re looking.”

“Yes, he would.”

Cheryse paused. She wanted to ask Hunter something she had been dying to know for a long, long time. “Can I ask you something and it won’t tick you off?”

Hunter paused, then let out a long breath. “I think we’re past that, Reese, don’t you? I mean, if anyone is going to get the award for ticking the other person off over this past year, it would be me. Plus, I’m just barely getting back in the good graces of my brothers and sister and all the beach crew. So whatever you want to know, ask away.”

Her heart raced, and she couldn’t believe she was still nervous. “The night of the funeral, when Amy showed up, what happened? I know you wanted to work things out with her for a long time.”

“I did.”

“No pressure. Look, I don’t need to know. I’ve just wondered what your status with her is.”

“Oh, you want to know my status, do you?”

“Never mind,” she muttered, feeling caught. “I didn’t mean anything by it.”

“You sure, Reese?” His tone had turned serious.

She didn’t answer. She had no idea what to say.

“I’m just teasing. Listen, Amy showed up and I told her to leave. Last year, she tried to reach out to me a couple of times, but I told her to take a hike. It’s like everything became clear to me after Trent died. Amy was a user. She cheated on me. She never really liked my music and she would only come to me when she was in need. Trent called it.”

Suddenly, Cheryse felt bad. Wasn’t she using him, too? Then again, he’d been the one to injure her. “Yeah, Trent never liked her.”

“Did he ever tell you he egged her car one night?”

She couldn’t help but laugh. “What?”

“Yeah, one night the cops came to our house and said that there was a report filed that someone egged Amy’s car. Of course, I hadn’t done it. And Trent played it off like he had no idea. But that night, after they left, he laughed for hours.” He suddenly snickered. “That jerk.”

She laughed, too. “Sounds like Trent.”

“Yes, it does.”

Cheryse laughed harder. She could imagine Trent acting like an immature idiot and egging the woman’s car, and Hunter simultaneously being ticked off at Trent and trying to cover it up in front of the police. Because there was no way he would turn his brother in for something so asinine.

Hunter chuckled some more. “Man, I miss him. For all his faults, he was loyal. So loyal.”

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