Page 2 of With His Ring

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I stood quickly, turning my back and crossing my arms. Bless or curse the person who had designed this bathroom, because no matter where I looked, I could still see a glimmer of fair flesh as my guest stood from the tub and wrapped herself in the towel.

“Decent?” I asked, my own voice a bit low and gravelly.

The noise that came from her was somewhere between a chuckle and a sob. Then a soft clearing of her throat. “As decent as I will get. You can turn around, Mr. Calvin.”

I did. Even though I’d been staring into the face of my stranger for the past several minutes, I was unprepared for seeing her out of the tub. She was tiny. I wasn’t sure if she would even come up to my shoulders if I got any closer. She had a perfect button nose above lips meant to tempt a saint. Lovely, bright eyes met mine as she too surveilled me.

Her shoulders rose and fell, the collarbones standing out against her body as she looked at me, resigned. “I supposed I should explain.”

“That would be a good start.”



Empty. That’s what Josephine had told me. Mr. Calvin’s apartment was never used. It was kept pristinely clean, every appliance unused. My neighbor had quickly explained that Mr. Calvin kept another apartment closer to his law firm, but this building had been one of his first purchases and investments and he kept the top-floor corner apartment for himself.

No one knew why.

No one bothered to ask, I supposed. And when Josephine had gotten a nasty respiratory virus last weekend and desperately needed someone to fill in on her housekeeping duties, I had jumped at the chance. I needed every penny I could get right now.

I never would’ve gotten in his tub, however, if it hadn’t been for the insanity of my week. I was stressed beyond all limits, and given the allure of a few minutes of relaxation, I had done something I’d never dream of in a million years.

And now I was staring up at a mountain-sized man, who was also naked, while the water around me finally cooled.

My traitorous lips quivered. It was cold, and I was horrified. The tears I always resented threatened to fall as I stared up at him.

“I’m Margot,” I started, but my voice cracked almost immediately. I stopped, clearing my throat again. The hot rush of tears stung the back of my throat, tightening my chest as my fingers turned white against the edge of the tub.

There was movement from my mountain, and I glanced up at him. He was kneeling again, this time with a far different look on his face. He looked…worried.

I swallowed. He didn’t seem nearly as terrifying or as interested in firing me from this angle. All those muscles were partially hidden, and now I could focus on more than our sheer size difference. Now all I could see was the flashing blue eyes as they roved over the small amount of flesh I had above the water’s surface.

“It’s okay, little one. I’m not going to hurt you.” He reached out a dinner plate–sized hand to me. “I’m Jamie Calvin. This is my place.”

“I’m Margot,” I got out this time. “I’m the maid.” Moving carefully, I extended my arm, cringing at the drops of water that ran off my elbow as I put my hand in his.

Something deep in my belly clenched as he took my hand. It was warm, smooth, and undeniably strong around mine. I dared to look up into his eyes once more. A hand that could crush. Or a hand that could caress. Heat rushed across my body, and I knew my cheeks were red. I hoped that he assumed the water was hot still.

Jamie’s auburn head tilted, his hand still cradling mine. “I thought Josephine still worked this building.”

My mouth opened in shock. “She does.”

“But you’re here, in my tub.”

I tugged my hand free, wrapping my arm around my chest again. The bubbles were disappointing, and we were only a few moments away from me giving my temporary boss and landlord a peep show.

“Josephine was sick, and I picked up her shifts.”

“Oh.” Jamie looked disappointed. “I thought she would’ve called and asked for help if she needed it.” He looked back to me, sharp eyes taking in my face.

“I’m telling the truth.”

Jamie’s face suddenly split into a wide grin. “I believe you. Let’s get you out of this tub.” He stood with a slight grunt, backing away and throwing another towel my way.

“Would you mind?” I bit my lip. This was only geting worse and worse.

“Turning around?” Jamie chuckled, the sound curling warmly in my chest as he obeyed. I watched him warily, noting the widespread tree tattoo across one shoulder blade. “I admire your attempt at modesty. Especially from someone in a bathtub.”

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