Page 29 of Wicked Debt

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“I told you to handle the deal and come back. You thought it was a good idea to take time for drinks,” I spat.

Other than the sheer disrespect of not following my orders, I shouldn’t have cared about what she did. But the thought of it, her sitting there reminiscing about her past, wishing for it, set me on fire.

“What I do is none of your business. You get your money, I get my cut, and that’s that,” she said.

Her voice gave way nothing, was still that same feminine, deep, silky smooth calm that drove me crazy.

I swore that one day I would break through that calm, and apparently I’d decided that day was today.

I squeezed a little bit tighter, pressed my body against hers.

She was tall, tall enough that I only had to lower my head a little bit.

My lips hovered against her cheek.

I brushed them against the soft, smooth skin, then settled above her ear.

“Is that so?” I whispered.

“Yes,” she responded, her voice tighter, but only slightly.

“Are you sure?” I asked.

She shivered when I spoke, the shudder passing through her body so quickly that I might have missed it.

But I didn’t.

Nor did I miss the way her heart beat against my palm, the rapid pace giving her away, even if her voice and her body didn’t.

I traced my lips along the edge of her ear, felt her jaw clench.

Knew that she was trying to contain her reaction.

I pulled back just enough to look into her eyes and see the fire in their depths.

She was angry.

Before, I’d caught fleeting glimpses of that before she shut it down.

She wasn’t shutting it down now, so I was able to see her anger clearly.

And see more.

I kept one hand firmly around her neck and used the other to grasp her tit, squeezing and not at all gently.

She sucked in a breath, then let it out, her eyes not leaving mine.

It was a sight to behold.

Kayla, free of the restraint that she always seemed to have, her eyes revealing her emotion in a way that her words never had.

I squeezed again, and this time she sighed then shivered.

“You like that?” I said, my gaze not leaving hers.

She didn’t say anything in response.

Just tilted her head, again showing that defiance that challenged and tempted me so.

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