Page 28 of Wicked Debt

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“Yeah,” I responded, stalking over to the makeshift bar and pouring myself a drink.

I slammed it back quickly but didn’t offer her one.

I’d never seen Kayla consume alcohol, something that probably should have made me suspicious of her.

But then again, she was so fucking unbothered by everything, she didn’t need to rely on chemicals to keep her cool.

No, that just came naturally.

The annoyance that I thought I had kept at bay creeped back and got stronger when Kayla looked at me. Her dark eyes were inscrutable, but I knew she about to question me.

“Why was I there?” she asked, proving me right.

She stared at me expectantly, waiting for an answer.

Acting like I owed her one.

My temper went through the roof.

“My father asked me that question a couple of hours ago. You heard my answer,” I said through clenched teeth.

Kayla blinked and then lifted her chin. She sensed the change in me, but she didn’t care.

“I know I was there because you told me to be. But why?”

That simple question, the way she looked at me, expecting an answer but still seeming completely detached, pushed me over the edge.

I moved toward her quickly, so quickly that she didn’t react.

At least not at first.

But she reacted when I wrapped my hand around her throat and pushed her back against the wall.

Her eyes opened wide, shock on her face, and then anger.

Then nothing.

That she was able to so quickly regain control of her emotions only spurred me on.

“You’ve been pushing me a lot lately, Kayla. Forgetting your place,” I said.

My voice was quiet, almost silent, which would usually be sign to most people to be very afraid.

But Kayla wasn’t most people.

And she didn’t act afraid.

She tilted her head ever so slightly, seeming completely unbothered by my grip, though the steady thud of her pulse of her neck gave her away.

“What are you talking about, Elias?” she said.

She somehow managed to sound superior even though she was trapped against the wall with nowhere to go.

“You know exactly what I’m talking about, Kayla. Asking me questions like I’m supposed to answer them.” I scowled. “That shit with your old boyfriend.”

Thinking about her little stunt pissed me off even more. My eyes narrowed, but Kayla still didn’t show a reaction.

“What shit?” she asked, her lids fluttering, her eyes sparkling, her gaze drawing me in.

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