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“What did she mean about everything working out?”

Jules shook her head and got to her feet. “It’s nothing.”

She turned her back to him and bent over, picking up her supplies. She wasn’t going to get into another discussion about her education. He’d probably side with Lizzie anyhow, and she didn’t need people ganging up on her. When were people going to trust her to make her own decisions?

He stepped forward and wrapped his hands around her shoulders, and turned her around to face him. “I know that something is bothering you. Did you tell her? You know, about us?”

“No. Why would you think that?”

“I don’t know. Women like to confide in each other, and I thought that you might have said something.”

“I wouldn’t know what to say.” Her frustration and insecurities came bubbling to the surface. “You and I never talked about what it meant. You’ve made yourself scarce since then.”

He arched a brow. “You make it sound like I’ve been hiding from you—”

“Haven’t you?” She dropped down on the couch, and he joined her.

“I’ve been busy. You know that.”

“Uh-huh.” He surely didn’t think she was going to buy that he didn’t have one spare moment to speak to her, did he?

“It’s the truth. There’s a wine-tasting event this weekend, and I’ve been helping my father nail down the details. But don’t change the subject. We were talking about what your sister said. What’s going to work out?”

Jules sighed. “I was trying to tell my sister that I’m not so sure that I still want to go to grad school.”


“And she thinks I have cold feet. She’s certain I’ll get over it and things will go according to plan.”

“Is that how you feel?”

“No.” It was the truth, and she was tired of holding it all inside.

His tone softened. “Then talk to me. Tell me what’s on your mind.”

Maybe Lizzie wasn’t ready to hear what she was feeling, but Stefano genuinely seemed interested. And she felt as though she could confide in him. Maybe he’d surprise her and be in her corner.

“The truth is I no longer want to go to grad school.”

“That’s a big decision. What changed your mind?”

“Are you really interested?” She didn’t want to go on and on if he was only being polite.

His tone held a definite note of sincerity. “I wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t interested.”

She leaned back on the couch and folded her hands in her lap. “I just finished a session as an intern with social services before I flew here.”

Then again, maybe she didn’t want to get into it all. Stefano was the picture of success. His winery was thriving. She’d been awed by all the awards he’d won. They were displayed in the wine-tasting room. His wine had worldwide recognition. He’d never understand failure. And she didn’t want him to think less of her.

“Jules, are you going to make me drag it out of you a little at a time?”

“No. Never mind. It’s not important.” She attempted to get up, but Stefano reached out to her.

“It is important.” His tone was filled with concern. “If it wasn’t, you wouldn’t be trying to tell your sister about it with the wedding so close. Since you can’t talk to her, talk to me. Maybe I can help.”

She glanced up at him and wanted to believe that he could actually understand. That he wouldn’t think less of her. Jules’s heart told her one thing, but her mind said the opposite. She decided to follow her heart.

Unable to look him in the eyes, she ducked her head. “I got fired from my position. Well, I don’t know if you can get fired from an internship, but I was asked not to return.”

There. It was out there. The embarrassing truth. She was a failure.

When Stefano didn’t say anything, she glanced up. In his eyes, she didn’t see any signs of judgment—just compassion.

“I’m sure there has to be more to the story than that. What aren’t you telling me?”

“I...I couldn’t do things the way they wanted. The kids...they needed someone in their corner. And I couldn’t stand by and say nothing. When I spoke up one too many times, the supervisor determined I wasn’t suited for the position.”

“Sounds to me like you were just following your heart.”

“But don’t you see, I can’t do that type of work. I can’t follow their rules and regulations blindly when they just don’t make sense in every case. I know the rules are there for a reason, but sometimes exceptions need to be made.”

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