Page 20 of Her Alaskan Men

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Ethan Locklear didn't knowwhat to make of the stunning blonde invading his private space and enamoring his brother and cousin so quickly and so thoroughly. There was something about her, he had to concede that much. Something that spoke to him on a level he had never knownbefore.

Jacob was genuinely smitten with her. Ethan knew this because they had gone into town and paid for the best, most beautiful, talented prostitutes to fuck him and after them kissing him a bit, he would jump up and say his dick couldn't get hard, he wasn't attractedtothem.

They'd then arranged dates with girls from the town. Beautiful, wholesome girls any man would feel proud to marry. And still he said something felt off with them. But Summer Coleman? He thought she wasperfect.

Zach had also told Ethan he felt something for her which went deeper than anything he felt for any other woman. Zach was precise in his feelings, he never hid them and was never confused by them. When he said he had feelings for a woman, hemeantthem.

For Ethan, it had been agony having her around. Unlike his brother and cousin, he didn't openly allow himself to want her. Refused her soft touch, her sexy kisses when all he wanted was to find his spot inside her and with Zach and Jacob possess every part of her so that she would become the Locklear's property and everyone wouldknowthat.

Zach could handle himself. They had grown up tough and where Ethan didn't allow himself to get attached to things, like their mother for one, Zach had developed a foolproof way of recovering from his emotions without any realdamage.

The last thing he wanted was for Jacob to fall even harder for her than he already had. The boy would not survive when she upped and left. And she would. It was only a matteroftime.

Since before he could talk properly, Jacob had idolized him and Zach. He followed them wherever he could, he stood up for them, he'd take a bullet for them, he wanted to be his older cousins completely. If he had one small piece of gum, he wouldn't eat it until he had shared it three ways. Whatever he had he’d shared it that way.Threeways.

His mama, Marlene, the kindest woman to have ever lived encouraged him to be with his cousins always —they were the only family he had left. And now Jacob expected they would share a wife, too. He had dreamed of a soft woman between them, loving them as much as they loved her. His mama had said such a woman existed for them and Jacob just had to be patient—she would arriveoneday.

But was that womanSummer?

Ethan had shared lots of woman with Zach, they loved nothing better than giving a woman everything she needed. Both their tastes ran toward domination and submission. Nothing better than a woman writhing with feverish need to be fucked after she'd been tied up, gagged and spanked. It had been long since either of them had fucked a woman like that. They usually went into town and took care of their needs and kept their tastes outofit.

But recently that had stopped and maybe it had been a subconscious decision on their parts. They'd stopped fucking around when Jacob had grown stronger and more forceful that the Angel his mama had predicted would come just about now into their lives and be their wife, all three of them. Perhaps deep down they had begun to trust Marlene's prediction. Perhaps because they wanted the samething,too.

Only they had expected a local girl to come by. Someone who would not think the idea of having three husbands was absurd. Instead they had gotten Summer with her diamond-gray eyes and her sweet-smelling body. Straight from the city where she lived a glamourous life using her looks to get her places. She was accustomed toluxury.

But in the modern world, one wife for three men was not really acceptable. And Summer would be no different. She might get turned on being taken by all three of them at once, but to stay committed that way, here in the cold wilderness where they were content to live off the land, free and happy? How long before she got bored and wanted that fast-paced city life shecamefrom?

She didn't seem the type to want to make a home for them. And yet as he sat at the table she had set, eating the food she had prepared, in a house she had cleaned better than all three of them together, it feltright.

It felt right that after dinner they would play with her. Drive her insane with want, make her scream and beg and cry for them to fuck her hard, over and over again. Let her be their wife, give her babies to raise. And live out the rest of their days happythatway.

He glanced at Zach and Jacob. They kept fiddling with her, tucking her hair behind her ear, kissing her cheeks and knuckles. They were completely in love with heralready.

Could he make her stay with themforever?

“After you have cleaned-up, take your clothes off and kneel in the corner, facing the wall until we call you,” he said as he rose from the table. Zach and Jacob followed. He couldn't mistake their silent relief which came off as a grin from each of them. The kind of grin they gave each other when things were going to goright.

Ethan pulled out a box from under an old cabinet. Both Zach and Jacob looked at him. He wasn't playing aroundanymore.

A couple of months ago, a store in the town had hurriedly closed-up, but not before they threw away most of their merchandise. Jacob had found the stuff, put into a box only the items which were still fully sealed and unused, and brought theboxhome.

They never had a need for it—untilnow.

Their Angel was going to get more than a punishment. If they played their parts right, she might give them the permission he would readily admit he didn't much care for when she first invaded their lives. But now he was no different from Zach and Jacob and he wanted her submission, her consent, herheart.

Zach had discussed her state of mind with him. He had said she was a true submissive behind all the feisty woman. But she was completely innocent in the lifestyle. He had assured Ethan they had earned her trust; she was 99% their sub already. The rest was a physical demonstration of their dominance over her. They would push her beyond her boundaries but ultimately, she could stop them atanytime.

He felt a responsibility to do this right with her, for Jacob's sake. Jacob was very interested in having a wife they spanked, disciplined, fucked, and loved. He had made Zach and Ethan tell him about their conquests in great detail, how they used to tie a woman up and feast on her pussy until she cried in pleasure. They had given him books to read on the subject but only a physical experience could teach him anything worthwhile. They had arranged for him to watch them take a woman dominantly once, but he refused to join. Said he was waiting for theirAngel.

He couldn't let Jacob down. Or Zach. And now himself, too. This was the lifestyle they wanted with their wife. And Zach was sure she could handle them. Together they spoke of the state of submission lockedinsideher.

And after seeing Skitterish with his huge body over her small frame had made him see red, he knew he couldn’t fight her effect on him, either. She was theirs. No one was allowed touch herbutthem.

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So much forwanting to be sexy in her lingerie and G-string, Summer thought, as she stripped off the items and resumed her place in the corner facingthewall.

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