Page 21 of Her Alaskan Men

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She was so soaked already. Her thighs were sleek as she walked to the corner with all her wetness seeping from her center. She kept reminding herself this would hurt. They wouldn't be playing around with her like before. They would whip her hard and seal in her lesson to never leave the house unattended no matter where herintentionslie.

But oh, how that turned her on. Such a little pain slut, she chided herself. And after? After they physically reprimanded her via her butt, would they fuck her if she gave them permission? Would Ethan finallyconcede?

She had no doubt now. Images of him pounding into Skitterish's son’s face flashed through her mind. The threat he delivered had chilled her to her core. No man in their right mind would mess with him or his. He cared about her as much as Zach and Jacob cared about her. The thought enveloped her in some sort ofeternalness.

She needed them, their cocks, to hold, to suck, to fuck and to come inside her. These men shared everything three ways, and they would share her the same way. Her nipples ached and she bit her lip instead to prevent her from squeezing her tit and relieving some of the throb. She wanted to experience every intense sensation to itsfullest.

A few nerves set in, too. She had never dappled in this kind of kink before and that spanking and the way Zach had fucked her mouth said they were only just starting to show her theirdominance.

She had obviously read about BDSM. It was glamorized in her industry as was wild sex. But she knew her time with the three of them was never going to be something she'd brag about like other girls would, giggling as they related how they spent the night before. Oh, I got gang-banged last night, yeah, they tied me up and fuckedmeup.

No, hers she knew internally, was going to be special and sacred and sublime and reverent. She would never demote it to something crass that she giggled over later with hergirlfriends.

The anticipation alone was the most incredible foreplay she believed any woman could ever experience. But it all belonged to her. They belongedtoher.

She'd taken a sneak peek at them as she passed them by. Ethan had pulled out a box from under a cabinet. Strange how she had missed that when she'd gone around exploring—snooping—around their belongings. She wished she knew what itcontainednow.

From behind her, furniture was moved about and the sound of nails being banged into wood reached her ears. She strained to hear their deep whispering voices. What weretheyup?

She breathed in strongly to relax her over-eager body. She had to demonstrate grace and patience. She'd be rewarded intheend.

“Stand up and turn around,” Jacob said from above her. She didn't recognize that new tone of his. He tried to sound like Ethan and Zach, in full dominant mode. He might have fooled anyone else, but Summer knew him quite well already and he was always going to be her sweet gentlegiant.

She did as he instructed. She couldn't help but smile at him and after trying really hard to appear serious, his mouth cracked a little at the corner. She wanted to kiss him right then. No, she wanted to drop to her knees and let him go from zero to cum in three seconds. Did he understand how amazing that made her feel? Yes, she realized she loved the brothers’ restraint when it came it her, but she also loved Jacob's innocent impatience. She was completely balanced out with the threeofthem.

He took her wrists and bound her hands at her back expertly with soft rope. She was beside herself now. Could she ask them to make her come first before they started, to take the edge off? No. Everything would be better if she did as theyinstructed.

Jacob gripped the rope and pulled her along to where Ethan and Zach sat. They had pulled their three chairs together. Jacob took his seat, leaving her standing before them, trembling like a virgin. Which in a wayshewas.

“We're going to give you a safe word, little one. Your safe word is stop. It's a simple word to mean exactly that. You say it, we stop. Understood?” Zach raised his eyebrowather.

“Yes, Sir,” shewhispered.

Zach continued. “I will expect you to think very carefully before you use that word. You have to trust we know what you need and that we want to give it to you, that said we also know your limits. But we ask you give yourself a chance to see where it goes before you say your safe word. Will you do thatforus?”


“Are you ready to start?” Jacobasked.

“Yes, Sir,” she said to him and they seemed to have found a secret way to smile at each without the other two real dominantsseeing.

She didn't expect it and it took her completely by stinging surprise when Ethan's whip lashed out against herthigh.

“Motherfucker,” she gasped. It didn't hurt as much as it surprised her. The sharpness of the sting settled under her skin and her clit became engorged. She shocked herself when she silently begged for him to use his whip onherclit.

“On your knees when you are with us until we say otherwise. And from now on the only word you will say is your safe word, nothing more,” Ethan barkedather.

She may have had a mental orgasm at the roughness of his tone. She dropped to her knees, biting hard into her lips to stop herself from begging them to fuck her first and punish herlater.

“Tsk tsk,” Zachbegan.

“Seems we may have to clean that filthy mouth of hers first, men.”Ethansaid.


Quivering violently,inside and out, Summer tried to maintain her composure. What composure? She was a hot soaking mess. Wetness from her pussy would easily trail down her thighs and legs if she werestanding.

She swallowed when all three of them stood. Ethan was the first one to scoop out his cock from hisjeans.

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