Page 19 of Her Alaskan Men

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She recognized that voice. Skitterish’s son.Oh,fuck.

She ignored his threat and started kicking and screaming even if the sound came out muffled. But the douchebag was three times her size. He dragged her along effortlessly, taking her farther and farther away from her safety, hersanctuary.

But she refused to give up and bit into his dirty-tasting palm. He swore fiercely and flung her down. Before she could crawl away he grabbed her again and straddled her. She screamed herself hoarse. He raised his hand to slap her, or probably knock her out completely with his fist, when a dark shadow loomed over him and all Summer heard was bone cracking as Skitterish's son’s wrist was broken—byEthan.

They were almost equally matched in size and height, but where Ethan had muscle, Skitterish's son had fat. Ethan hauled him off her and pounded his fists into the man's face and sides. She scrambled away as Ethan laid it into theotherman.

He didn't stop. The other man never had a chance. Before long, Zach and Jacob came charging in. They took instant stock of the situation. Skitterish's son was almost unconscious now, but Ethan got hiswarningin.

“Come near her again, touch her again, and I will kill you and your whole fucking family, do youunderstand?”

Zach picked her up and carried her home, while Ethan and Jacob dragged the badly-beaten man home, where they'd probably leave him in his bloodied state on his doorstep. A brutal warning to the Skitterish family as a whole. As they passed by, Ethan's gaze locked on hers. She lowered her eyelids and saw his bruisedknuckles.

Once home, Zach checked her out thoroughly. He removed her clothes and looked for bruises. He cupped her pussy to see if she would feel any pain and she had to assure him again that she wasn't harmedthatway.

“I'm fine.Really.”

But he wasn't listening to her. He examined her breasts and she winced a little. Zach ground histeeth.

“I'll kill that bastard right now if he tried totouchyou.”

“He didn't, Zach, I swear. I think I hurt myself when I tried to get away. And it's my ego that's more bruised,” sheinsisted.

“Angel,” he breathed and gently kissed her breastallover.

“I'm sorry,” she said, holding his head to her. “I knew I shouldn't have gone out.” She swallowed her words. “I hate Skitterish and his stupid-ass son,” she finished onasob.

Zach took her in his arms, sat down with her in his lap and held her. “You will never have to worry about him ever again. By the time Jacob and I have our turns with him, which we will, mark our words, he'll be too scared to even let a thought about you pass through his mind. We'll just wait for him to recover nicely from Ethan's warnings, then it'll be my turn. We'll continuously repeat the same cycle until we've all had at least three goesathim.”

She snuggled closer. Zach was not even joking. The man was dead serious about their vengeance on Skitterish's son. “I deserve to be punished too for not listening when I was warned so manytimes.”

“That you will, little one, restassured.”

The door swung open and she lifted herself off Zach's lap and accepted Jacob's arms as he pulled her in and held her. “I'll kill him if he hurt you,” heroared.

“I'm fine. He didn't touch me. I would never let him touch me. I would have clawed his eyes out.” She showed him her nails, still looking very decent as if she had maintained their upkeep. “I only want to be touched by you andZachand…”

Jacob released her as Ethan neared. Oh, hewasmad.

“She all right?” he asked Zach, his jaw twitching. What he really meant was did Skitterish's sontouchher.


“What the fucking hell were you thinking?” She thought the house would crumble underhisroar.

“I wanted to get some flowers for the table. I wanted it to be pretty and I thought I would be so fast. I climbed through the window. I'm sorry.” Tears rolled down hercheeks.

After what felt like an eternity, Ethan reached out his hand to her. He cupped her cheek and wiped her tears with histhumb.

“If he…” He couldn't even finish his sentence, but she knew what he meant. Skitterish's son would die three horrible deaths one by each of them. He took in a deep breath. “You will still have to be punished for this, so it never happensagain.”

“Yes, Sir,” she whispered. She should be feeling exhausted, very scared, violated even though she only got dragged around briefly. But here with the three of them, she was safe. And wanted. Cherished.Protected.

A surge of power, both sexual and emotional, washed over her. She wanted to give them her everything. Her submission, her body, her heart, her soul. She wanted to belongtothem.

Her pussy swelled at the thought of the three of them punishing her. She hoped they'd take her hard. Skitterish's son had no place in her mind anymore. She forgot everything before and lived only for what wastocome.

If Ethan punished her, it meant he had accepted her. She surprised herself that for a novice when it came to power-exchange, submission and domination, she innately understood so much. And she wanted it all. This. Shewantedthis.

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