Page 79 of Losing Control

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Alec sniffed but nodded.

As the boys followed Alec to change back into their regular day clothes and Renly went with him to the register, Mykie stood by the door. It wasn’t long before Jezebeth came sauntering out of the back of the store. Once she spotted Mykie, she came over with a bounce in her step. Her jacket, which she didn’t move to take off when they entered the store, was now hanging over her arm. In her other hand, she had a dress bag with a black suit inside.

“I got it, free of charge,” Jezebeth chirped when she saw where Mykie’s eyes were drawn to her slightly unbuttoned shirt.

Mykie pulled Jezebeth to the side. “What was that?”

“What?” Jezebeth asked, looking over her shoulder, her eyes shifting back and forth, almost as if she was looking for something.

“That.” Mykie pointed lazily at Jezebeth’s shirt. “Why did you step in with Liam?”

Jezebeth looked at her, the confusion clear in her expression, but her words only confirmed what Mykie had thought. “Like I said in the car, we all have our role. I’m the sexual distraction while you continue to do what you have to.”

Mykie was horrified. Had she convinced her friend somehow that she wanted her to do that? That it was her job?

“Why?” Mykie croaked.

Jezebeth expression turned pained. She crossed her arms in front of her chest and she shifted her weight to the side, a clear sign that she was ticked off. "That's just how it works, Mykie. How it's always worked.”

“Did Chance put you up to it?” Mykie asked, grabbing one of Jezebeth’s wrists. “I can handle myself just fine. I’ll tell him—“

“God, Mykie. Do you really think I’m that weak-minded that I’d just do it because your father said so?” Jezebeth sneered. She yanked her arm out of Mykie’s grasp. “I don’t want to talk about this anymore. I’ll meet you in the car.”

A hand settled on her shoulder, causing her to jump.

“Are you ready to go?” Caspar asked as he stood next to her. His hand dropped from her shoulder almost immediately after she jumped. In his other hand was a long bag which contained his suit for Saturday.

They both cringed when the front door slammed closed beside them with Jezebeth’s rapid exit.

Mykie shook her head to get rid of the thoughts at the forefront of her brain and turned to look at her companion. “You’re coming back with me?”

Caspar glanced over his shoulder before he gave her a sheepish smile.

“Yeah. I’ve talked to Corbus, and he doesn’t think it’s a good idea to come back right now. Something about Renly and you getting into an argument?” He shrugged. “I don’t know. Is it okay to continue to stay with you until after the funeral?”

She smiled at him. “I’m all right with it. The only condition is that you’ll have to help me out with Pearl’s as payback after.”

He grinned and bobbed his head. “Sure thing. I’ve never worked at a bar, but I can deliver the drinks.”

“You’ll make the hours go by faster, and it’ll be nice to teach you a few things,” she murmured.

His eyes were full of mirth as he nudged her with his arm. “There are things I can teach you, too. I’ve got a few skills up my sleeves.”

“Oh yeah?” All the grinning she was doing was starting to hurt her face, but she didn’t want Caspar to stop for even a second. “Name one.”

“I know how to cook,” he boasted. He lifted his chin in the air with an act of superiority and raised his eyebrows, as if asking her if she would challenge his statement. If he knew anything about her, he should have known that she almost always had a witty remark.

“So do I,” she smirked. “That doesn’t count.”

“Ah.” He held up his finger in front of her face, stopping her from saying anything more. He seemed to be expecting her response, if she was reading his expression correctly. “You know how to cook, but you’ve never cooked the things I have. I have all my recipes memorized and I won’t tell a soul about all the secret ones in my head.”

She pushed out her lip and pouted, but she knew that the effect was ruined by the smile that was threatening to show on her face. “Not even me? I thought we wouldn’t keep secrets from each other.”

“Oh, I plan to share some of my secrets with you. All in due time,” he winked.

Mykie leaned her head back and laughed. This banter, which she’d grown used to with Caspar in the last few days, was exactly what she needed at the moment. It was in those moments that she realized how similar Corbus and he could be, not that he probably wanted to hear that. Both he and Corbus had their serious personas, but they both knew how to have fun at the expense of cheering her up, it seemed.

Mykie looked over her shoulder at the boys gathered at the counter. Corbus was talking animatedly to Renly while Renly appeared impatient as his foot tapped up and down as his eyes bored into the desk woman. Blaine, on the other hand, had his arms crossed and his expression was cold as he searched his surroundings slowly.

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