Page 80 of Losing Control

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Mykie caught Blaine’s eye, and his cold expression turned into a scowl, and he quickly turned his face away from her. She chuckled under her breath. He wasn’t intimidating whatsoever to her.

“I should at least say goodbye,” Mykie said to Caspar before she moved to catch Corbus’ attention across the room. Once they made eye contact, she crooked her finger for him to come over, and he bounded over in long strides.

“I’m leaving, but I wanted to say goodbye instead of just disappearing. I’ll see you tomorrow, though? What should I wear?”

“Dress comfortably. I want to take you somewhere that you can relax and not worry.”

“Fat chance of that happening,” Mykie said with a snort.

“You’re going to have fun, Mykie Vesper. It’s a date, and you’re going to love it!” Corbus threatened with a smile, making her giggle.

“I’ll try, for you,” Mykie agreed.

“That’s all I can hope for. I’ll pick you up at seven.”

Mykie leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. “See you then.”

Caspar stepped closer to her. “Are you ready to go now?”

Mykie nodded and followed Caspar. She gave one last look over her shoulder as Caspar stood with the door open. She caught Blaine’s eyes boring into her back and she shivered.

What was his problem now?


It took until Friday night, a little over an hour before her date, before Jezebeth spoke to Mykie again after the awkward car ride back to their apartment. Mykie had cooked a late lunch for herself and was sitting in the kitchen when Jezebeth came in.

"You're little Loner Boy has been staying at the apartment a lot. I thought he’d be gone by now," Jezebeth said as she dug through the fridge for something to eat.

"Honestly?" Mykie leaned back in her chair from where she was sitting at the table and peered out toward the hall. Caspar had left earlier to start his first day with Noah, but she didn't know when he would be back. The coast was clear, as far as she could tell, but she lowered her voice anyway. "I thought so too. He says it'll only be until things blow over after the funeral. Renly was picking fights with him because he knows Caspar has some loyalty."

"Are you sure you want them to band back together?"

Mykie paused. "Why would you think I would want them to be fighting with each other?"

Jezebeth shrugged. "You've been getting along great with Caspar. I haven't seen you smile like you have with him in a long time. You're a good team, so why would you want him to go back to his friends and change that?"

"Nothingis going to change, Jez. Friends or not, Caspar's not just going to waiver in whatever direction the wind blows that week. He knows that whatever happens with Renly or the rest of them, we're in this together."

"If you say so," she said with a shrug. Jezebeth started to walk away, but Mykie stopped her.

“Are we going to talk about yesterday?” Mykie asked.

Jezebeth looked past her head. “It’s nothing, Mykie. Just drop it, all right?”

Mykie shook her head firmly. “No. I’ve had enough of watching you drape yourself over different men every other day. Talk to me, Jez.”

Jezebeth sighed.

“I do a lot of things for you, including keeping people away from you. Why do you think I get such large crowds on the nights you’re working? Or why I hate to work on the floor? You’re the only one that’s oblivious of how far I’ve gone to keep you safe,” she snapped.

“I don’t expect you to do that,” Mykie argued.

“I know you don’t, but everyone else does.” She lifted her chin, and her eyes gleamed with unshed tears and her lips were upturned into a bitter smile. “I’m supposed to whore myself out to get what I want, remember? I’m the stupid, Cantil Siren that seduces men. They don’t mention in those stories about me how many times I’ve been assaulted and beaten, too. I wouldn’t be so mysterious and tough then. Not so hot.”

Mykie shook her head silently. She never wanted her best friend to think that about herself. Jezebeth was a powerful woman, in her own right. She didn’t need anyone to tell her what to do, or who to be. She didn’tneedsomeone to give her purpose. She shouldn’t doubt herself or think she was any less for the things she’d overcome.

Jezebeth chuckled humorlessly. “It’s no one’s fault but my own. I put myself in the position, so how can Inotdo it? Especially now that my dear ‘ole father ruined any sort of reputation my family had before.”

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