Page 43 of Losing Control

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"What did you do?" she whispered.

"The secretary called the office, letting us know you were coming. Harper no longer wanted to honor our deal, so I was instructed to dispose of him," he murmured in her ear. "Since the secretary already thought you were dangerous, you'll be the one to blame. It's great that you came so early to your meeting."

"Why?" she croaked. "Why would you kill him?"

He chuckled.

"Why not? He was no longer useful. Besides," he picked up a piece of her hair and twirled it between his fingers, "you got our informant killed. It's only fair we kill someone you wanted."

Her legs gave out from under her. The only thought she could process was that at the end of the day, this was Renly's father, and she'd have to be the one to tell him.

"I can see it now. You really do look like a spitting image of your mother," he muttered.

Mykie whipped her head around. "What do you know about my mother?"

"No more than you do. Isn't that sad?"

Mykie looked down at her hands. He was right. What did she really know about her mother? Ever since their death, she had been focusing on following in her father's footsteps. What about her mother?

"Why are you telling me this?" she croaked.

"Because you aren't putting the pieces together fast enough. It’s getting boring."

The pieces? The pieces to what? Why the Vultures were so focused on her and Chance?

"Let Chance know that it's his move now, would 'ya, buttercup?" he asked. She heard his shoes slapping against the floor as he exited the office.

She was left alone in the office with another dead father and businessman, and she couldn't help but weep. First Jezebeth lost her father and now another person in her life was fatherless... because of her.

Why did she choose to take part in such a cruel and sick world?

She didn't know how long she was sitting there, staring at the man. All she knew was that she needed to get up and face Renly. She would have liked someone she knew to tell her about her father's death instead of a stranger.

She took the stairs this time, taking the steps one by one as she dragged herself into the lobby. Caspar stood up as soon as he saw her exit the stairway. He started to move toward her but stopped when he seemed to notice her expression. She looked at the secretary with pain in her eyes.

"Your boss is dead because of you," she hissed through clenched teeth, knowing nothing she could say would change the secretary’s opinion of her.

She didn't give them a chance to answer her as she pushed her way out the door. She didn't say a word to Caspar once he finally made it to the car, no matter how many times he asked her what happened, focusing on her next move instead.

She drove on autopilot to Pearl's where her father would be in his office, but she stopped before she climbed out of the car. Just in case someone was following her, she kept driving until she reached her apartment and she parked outside. She already had felt eyes on her before at her apartment, so what was one more pair, in the grand scheme of things?

"How can I tell Renly that his father is dead because he was involved with the wrong sort of people?" Mykie asked aloud, unsure if she even wanted an answer at the moment.

"Did… did you do it?" Caspar murmured. "Was that what you meant by 'any means necessary'?"

Mykie paled. Damn it! This was going to look so much worse than she originally imagined.

"No. A Vulture killed him before I got there. The problem is, the secretary already saw me as a threat, and now it's going to be assumed that I was the one to do it."

"The same Vulture that's been after you?"

She nodded.

"What are you going to do now?"

She sighed. There was only one thing she could do at the moment.

She picked up her phone and dialed Chance's number.

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