Page 44 of Losing Control

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"Mykie! How did it go?" His voice was chipper and happy.

"Dad," she croaked through wobbling lips. Tears cascaded down her cheeks as she thought of the pain she felt when she learned her own father and mother were dead, and she knew that Renly would never be the same after he found out. Grown or not, this was his father, and it would be like a bullet to the chest for any child to learn that their parent was murdered. It was different when you lost someone you loved to sickness. There wasn't anyone to blame. You could prepare yourself for the loss. When it was murder, all you could do for the rest of your life is hope the day you can get your revenge comes sooner rather than later.

"What happened?" he asked, the concern dripping from his lips. He repeated his question again when she didn't answer.

"Earl Harper was killed before I got there. They knew I was coming, and they killed him before we could make a deal with them."

"They?" he repeated.

"The Vultures. The king is after you. He's playing a game with you and me... He had someone track me down yesterday and had one of his birds send the message through me to you. He won't stop until he can kill you."

"I won't let it come to that, Myk. Let me handle this," he insisted. "You've got enough to worry about right now. Are you home yet? You should lay down."

"I need to tell Renly, Chance. I can't let him go through this alone." She wiped at her wet cheeks furiously. It was her responsibility to tell him, and she wouldn't let anyone else get to him first.

"After that, head straight home. I don't want you driving around so much when you're upset," he ordered gently.

"Caspar is with me. He'll make sure I get home all right. I'll rest soon and see you tonight," she said.

"No. Take the night or a few off. Relax. I know this is bringing up some memories and I wish I could be there for you, but I have too much to do."

She nodded her head silently, silently crying. She knew that he tried, and that was enough.

"The Vulture brought up something today. That I'm a spitting image of Mom. Why would he know that?"

"He's only trying to get in your head. Don't let it happen."

Mykie frowned. "I think there's more to it. He said that I'm not putting the pieces together. What am I missing, Chance? Why are the Vultures so focused on me instead of just going after you? Why did you insist that we go after this deal, knowing that the Vultures were involved and wanted you dead already? A man is dead because of us. I should have never let you convince me to go after this deal after I found out who the Harpers were."

"I won't talk about this with you, Mykie,” Chance’s said, his voice turning stern, “Don't be stupid. You shouldn't concern yourself over something a Vulture said. You're letting them make you distrust me. I've never lied to you or given you a reason not to trust me. I'm doing what I need to for all of us."

"I... I have to go now," she whispered into the phone. She hung up without exchanging goodbyes.

"Are you okay?" Caspar murmured.

She nodded silently, biting her lip to hold back the sob in her throat. She couldn't believe she made Chance think she couldn't trust him. Why was she questioning it at all? He knew what he was doing, and he's never led her down the wrong path for long. She couldn't help but notice that he avoided answering her about the comment surrounding her mother.

She wouldn't let this go, even if it turned out to be nothing. The Vultures killed her mother. There had to be more to the story than she already knew.

"I’m just being stupid,” she said, shaking her head. She needed to get a grip on herself. “I need to call Renly. Before he gets the wrong idea."

Her hands shook as she looked at her contact list and she scrolled down to the "R"'s. Before she could back out, she called Renly, hoping to get him to pick up the phone and see if he was still at home.

He didn't pick up. She tried again and got the same result. Fear ran through her body that he was on the phone with someone, and she wasn't the first one to tell him. She wasted too much time on her stupid emotions, and now he would blame her.

She'd drive to his house and hope he was still there instead of leaving to be with his family.

"He didn't pick up. We need to go there." She tossed her phone to Caspar and started her car again. "Keep trying to call him, okay?"

It took twenty minutes to drive to his house and the entire time she hoped she wasn't too late. She jumped out of the car the first chance she got and rushed through the front door.

"Renly?" she yelled.

No one answered.

She checked her watch. Corbus was probably still at his art class, but where was Blaine?

She knocked on his door and peeked her head in.

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