Page 12 of Lay It Down

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We exchanged pleasantries and everyone shook his hand. He had a firm grip and an easy smile. The exact kind of guy Thayle liked. She always said she’d had enough drama in her childhood to last a lifetime, and her taste in men reflected it. If a man didn’t make her smile, she had no “space for someone like that” in her life.

I watched the way Garett looked at her. Thayle might not have realized it, but he liked her as more than a friend. I’d have bet my life on it.

“So what do you think?” Min asked her, ignoring the fact that I hadn’t yet agreed. But I would, and both Cos and Min knew it.

She shrugged as if the choice were between drinking pinot noir or cab. As if it didn’t really matter.

But it did to me. I wouldn’t survive it.

“Thayle’s been covering at Devine Bakery. And I’m sure she has things on her calendar.”

“Actually,” she hedged, “Rich is back tomorrow. Today was my last fill-in.”

She caught my eye. There was nothing but innocence and friendship there. I refused to let my gaze wander even though it was almost physically painful to keep looking at her. I could peripherally see her costume, and knew I had to get away from her.

“Cos was supposed to leave tomorrow,” I said, realizing it would at least get her away from Garrett for a while. Actually, maybe leaving tomorrow was not so bad an idea. “We’d want to hit the road fairly early. I think we’re supposed to start over at Skaneateles tomorrow.”

My brother agreed. “We didn’t have this party planned when we set the itinerary.”

“So glad that’s settled.” My sister, who’d taken lessons in the Grado school of persuasion, grabbed Thayle’s hand. “Mind if I steal her for a second?” she asked Garrett, already tugging her away.

“Sure thing,” he said. Then to Cos and me, “It was great seeing you again, but if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna grab some food.”

Once again, it was just my brother and I, since Garrett also moved away.

“Seems like a nice guy,” Cos said.

No. He didn’t.

“I can’t believe you conned me into this. I have so much shit to do,” I said.

“Shit that will be here when you come back. You’ve been working your ass off for months. Go schmooze a bit, taste some wines, and you’ll have all winter to rack and bottle and filter...all of your favorite things.” Cos slapped me on the back. “I owe you one, brother.”

As he made his way back into the crowd, I found Thayle with Min, talking to a group of teachers. They were some of our best customers, and my sister took good care of them. Thayle sipped wine, periodically interjecting something into the conversation.

I had no idea what I had just gotten myself into, but at least there was one positive thing about this trip.

Thayle wouldn’t be wearing a cat costume.



“Makesure to lock the door behind you. And turn off the coffee pot.”

“In that order?” Garrett teased.

“No.” I opened my suitcase on the kitchen floor and peered inside. “Obviously not.”

“That’s like the third time you’ve inspected your clothes. You’re not going to the Amazon.”

I ignored him and rustled through the contents one last time. Jeans, boots, tees, sweaters. Undergarments, toiletries, chargers, walking clothes.

“My sneakers!” I ran to the bedroom and grabbed sneakers triumphantly. After tossing them into the suitcase, I began to close it back up.

“Aren’t you wearing sneakers?” Garrett asked. He was not a morning person, and he looked like he’d been run over by a truck. Not that I loved to get up early either, but nine a.m. wasn’t exactly the crack of dawn. By now I’d normally have already been on the estate for an hour.

Instead, I was about to get picked up by Neo. For two weeks on the wine trail. With him. Alone. It was my worst nightmare and fondest dream all wrapped in one.

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