Page 80 of My Foolish Heart

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“Ok, then.” He lets go of my hand and starts the car. “Seems like I got myself a girlfriend tonight.”

I like the sound of that. Maybe too much.

But I won’t overthink things.

I’m on top of the world tonight, and nothing is going to knock me off this pedestal.



“You look nervous.”

I shift in my seat as we pull onto the street where Tristano grew up. He told me his parents could have upgraded long ago. But with the money they’ve made, not to mention Enzo apparently offering many times to build them a new house, it says something about his parents that they are content here. Mainly, Tris claims his mother is the most sentimental person on the planet, and someone would have to pry her away from this place kicking and screaming.

Unlike my parents’ house on the other side of the lake, which is set back from the road, this one is visible already.

“Are you kidding me? We’ve been dating for exactly two weeks,” I remind him.


“Those first two don’t count.”

Tris leans over to kiss me. “Sure they do,” he says, the kiss ending much too soon. “And there’s nothing to be nervous about. They will love you to pieces.”

“Um, Tris.” I look around. “Why are there so many cars?”

He takes stock of the driveway. “My parents, Gian, Lusanne, Enzo and Chari, and Devon, Chari’s brother. He was away this weekend and didn’t get to catch up with the newlyweds.”

Enzo and Chari, back from their honeymoon, came into Bridgewater for the weekend and are leaving later today. Because of the restaurant, they planned this Monday lunch just so Tris could attend. Apparently the DeLuca family does a lot of celebrating on Mondays, when both the restaurant and pizza shop are closed.

“Oh boy.”

Growing up a single child, a room full of people at a simple lunch gathering isn’t typical for me. As a restaurateur, I’ve learned how to handle crowds, of course, but it clearly comes more naturally to Tristano. It’s not something he works at, while for me, I need downtime to recharge. A concept totally foreign to my boyfriend.

My boyfriend.

It’s still strange to think about, everything happened so fast. But the last two weeks, even though hectic, as usual, have easily been two of the best of my life. Tris is attentive and kind, and holy hell is the guy good in bed. Chari and I had a long talk when she got back from her honeymoon, and thankfully, she seemed ecstatic at the turn of events with Tris and me.

She’d scoffed at the idea that, if things didn’t work out, it could be awkward for us. Between her and Enzo and then Cole’s friendship with Tris, I’m connected to him in so many ways. And even though Chari doesn’t live in Bridgewater anymore, it is still something I’ve thought about.

She told me I was being ridiculous.

“Chari will be here,” he reminds me as we walk into the house. A typical A-frame lakehouse, it’s an open concept one too. The kitchen to the left, casual dining to the right, and living room and vaulted ceiling in front of us. I don’t have time to admire the stoneware on the fireplace across the room because it’s filled with people.

All hugging and kissing and talking loudly.

Before I take two steps, Chari’s arms are around me. I squeeze my old friend and marvel that this is the same woman I went to school with. Just as beautiful now, her confidence oozes from every pore. She looks like a million bucks, as does her husband, who is now hugging me too.

They are a very huggy family.

“I still can’t believe you’re here,” Chari whispers when Enzo lets me go.

“Same,” I manage before being approached by Lusanne, Tris’s younger sister. I reach out my hand for a handshake, but she just laughs. More hugs.

Not to be outdone by her warm embrace, both of his parents move in next. And then Gian, who whispers before he lets go, “Welcome to the family.”

My chest immediately tightens and, embarrassingly, tears spring to my eyes. Even when Mom and Dad were alive I’d never quite been a part of something like this. Tris is so incredibly lucky. I inhale sharply to make the tears stop. Do they treat all of the girlfriends, and Lusanne’s boyfriends, like this? It’s like we, like Chari and Enzo, are already married. Even though we are very, very far from engaged. As in, brand-new relationship status.

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