Page 98 of Last Call

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“So who’s the girl who broke your heart?”

“Her name is Ada,” Enzo says. He catches my eye, as if asking whether he should continue. I shrug. What does it matter? Besides, I trust Devon. He and Enzo have known each other since they were little kids.

“She’s on the team for our drug approval at the FDA.”

“The project manager, actually,” I add.

Devon’s face says it all. “Sounds like a bad idea . . . for her.”

“And for us too,” I explain. “We’ve already been delayed because our former RPM moved to California. If Ada and I were caught, or if she decided to tell her boss about us, we’d be assigned a new manager. That would mean more delays.”

He knows about the terms of the loan.

“Ouch. So what happened?”

Someone at the far end of the bar starts shouting, but I have no desire to put myself into the middle of whatever drunken fight is about to break out. I’m doing a good enough job of tearing myself up inside, thank you very much. Too bad Angel isn’t already available. Less drunken posturing would be pretty nice for everyone.

“We got together anyway, but she got cold feet. Claimed she was protecting me.”

He looks at Enzo, who nods. “Hayden is pretty convinced that they’d still be together if it weren’t for our situation with the loan. Despite the risk involved on her part. I’ve met her, and I think he’s probably right. She hasn’t answered his messages or calls in a few weeks, now that I’m taking point on all things FDA, but he says she was pretty torn up the night they broke it off.”

I can see the look in her eyes right now. I fall asleep to that look every night.

“You know I can read people. And yeah, I know she cares for me. She’s just trying to protect me from making a bad decision.”

“But it should be your decision to make,” Devon says. “If you really don’t want your father involved in Angel . . .”

“I don’t, believe me. But I want her in my life more.”

He whistles. “You’re in love with her.”

I don’t deny it.

“So put it all on the line.”

“I already did, the night we broke up. I told her I loved her and that I didn’t care what happened if we were caught or if she wanted to recuse herself from our case.”

Taking a sip of his drink, Devon considers my words.

Enzo rolls his eyes as if to say,Don’t take dating advice from him. And yeah, we all know that Devon’s not usually a one-woman kind of guy, but I want his take anyway.

“She said she’d wait until our case is closed. Which could take up to two years with the post-approval monitoring,” I think to add.

Devon lifts his hand up, palm raised. “What the fuck? Are you serious?”

“Yeah. And I said I would wait for her.”

Although we never did discuss the terms. But Ada seems to have made that pretty clear since. No communication. So I’m not exactly sure how well this extended separation will work.

“Dude, go big or go home.”


“If you guys are actually planning to wait two years, just rip off the Band-Aid now.”

Has he not been listening? I tried that approach, and she wasn’t having it.

“What do you expect me to do? I told her how I feel.”

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