Page 56 of Last Call

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But don’t let that long hair fool you. He’s as locked-down as Ada.

“The process is what it is,” he says. “Only Ada and our boss can answer that question. They’re the only ones who see the big picture. The rest of us just focus on our own particular roles. I’m looking at the clinical evaluation, control and uncontrolled studies, and the like.”

I look down the table at the good doctor.

It would be easier if she were only a pretty face. But she’s not. Not by a long shot. I listened to the questions she asked all day. Watched her interact with her team. She knows her shit, but Ada second-guesses herself at every turn.

The entire table goes quiet. We’re all waiting for her response.

“Every drug that comes through our office is handled with the same protocol and attention,” she says. “Some, like yours, might have far-reaching effects. Any first-in-class drug is indeed of high interest to everyone involved. But that doesn’t change the process in any way.”

She’s talking to me.

“You guys have all kinds of rules,” I say.

Why am I pushing her buttons?

“Yes,” she says flatly, “we do.”

“Actually,” Jayel jumps in, “most of them are unwritten. You’d be surprised.”

The team launches into a discussion of the internal politics of the FDA. It couldn’t interest me less, to be honest, particularly since Ada isn’t participating. But then Randy says something that pulls me out of my reverie.

“I think I’m going to head back soon.”

One by one, the others concur as they decide who will call for a car back to the hotel, since everyone has at least a few drinks in them. With the size of the group, they agree two will be necessary. So I seize my chance.

“Instead of getting two cars, Dr. Fleming, let me buy you a drink and take you back myself. I have a few questions about tomorrow.”

Actually, I have just one question. And it has nothing to do with tomorrow’s site visit.

Enzo’s words buzz in my ears.Do what you think is right.

He knows me better than I know myself. Maybe I should do what he suggested and listen to myself.

I don’t actually have a car, but that’s a minor inconvenience.

Ada is looking at me like I’m nuts.

“One drink and I’ll have you back at your hotel before your colleagues even fall asleep. Promise.”

When the waitress comes by and the others settle the bill, I notice Qasim is giving me a strange look. I had my suspicions earlier, but now I’m sure. He knows something, though I’m not sure how much. He does look surprised, and curiously amused, when Ada agrees.

“One drink. We have an early start tomorrow.” She addresses the others. “Eight a.m. in the lobby?”

They agree, say their goodbyes, and they leave the restaurant. So does Paul, who, God bless the man, never actually questions my ability to get Ada back to her hotel without a vehicle. Nor does he question what I might need to talk to her about.

I’ll come up with something to tell him by morning.

Once they’re gone, I jump off my stool and order two drinks from the waitress, who noticed we were still here and dropped by to check on us. Then, sitting at the same table as Ada, catty-corner to her, I wait for it.

Doesn’t take long.

“What the hell were you thinking?”

I’m totally blunt.

“I wasn’t. Seems to be a theme when I’m around you.”

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