Page 24 of Last Call

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Technically speaking, the chemical they’ve developed, when combined with alcohol, has the exact same effect as, well, any alcohol. But the chemical attaches to the alcohol compounds, and the antidote flushes them from the body.

“Really crazy,” I agree. “Hey, you better go. I’ll be right behind you.”

“Right, see you in there. Broadway Room.”

Every meeting room is named after a street in the city, which would be fine if they weren’t also assigned letters. Every meeting room in the building has two names, which confuses the hell out of just about everyone.

“D, right? Fifth floor?”

After more than five years, you’d think I’d have them all straight.

“Yep. See ya there.”

Qasim leaves, and I spend a solid thirty seconds staring at my phone. Normally I’d have my administrative assistant cancel for me, but she’s on vacation this week. Would it be acceptable to email him instead? I’d much prefer to do that, but it would be pretty shitty of me considering the meeting is supposed to take place in three hours.


I look up his number and call it, never in a million years expecting him to answer.


“Mr. Tanner?”

“Hello, Doctor Flemming.”

How the hell does he know it’s me? For a moment, I’m startled into silence, but then I realize his partner must have given him the number. He clearly added it to his contacts.


Which also means this is his personal cell phone, not an office line like I expected.

I get right to business. “Unfortunately, I have to cancel our meeting this afternoon. An emergency popped up here today.”


And then, “You said this was a mandatory meeting before the site visit?”

“Yes, it is. We’ll have to reschedule to keep that on track.”

I already have my calendar pulled up.

“Can you come in next Tuesday?”

“Hold on a sec.”

He’s all business today, nothing like last weekend at Finnegan’s. Thank goodness.

“Next Monday and Tuesday I’m out of town. Wednesday? Or maybe tomorrow?”

“I can’t make either of those work.” And we’re supposed to head upstate next Thursday for the visit to his manufacturing plant. Even though it’s technically the antidote that’s going through the approval process, Angel, Inc. is something of a unique case. Since they work together, the chemical and the pill, and since any new manufacturing in association with the drug must be inspected, someone from the FDA has to inspect both production lines, and sooner rather than later.

As the RPM, I have to be present, or my boss, along with at least one of the sponsor applicants.

“Unfortunately, we may have to postpone the visit in that case. I’ll shoot you an email with some dates. Unless Mr. DeLuca can make the Tuesday meeting?”

“That would work? Even though he can’t attend the site visit?”

I frown. “It’s not ideal.”

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