Page 59 of Billion Dollar Date

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I walk into the lobby of the hotel, anticipation growing with every step.

There’s no doubt I was a little distracted this morning, but I managed to compartmentalize, somewhat, and keep thoughts of Chari at bay. Hayden called in, and we hammered out the final details for the launch with our distributors, the bar owners, and the marketing team in charge of getting word out. It took a little longer than anticipated, but I’m confident in our plan.

I wanted to get both Angel’s Brew and Angel Wine launched at the same time, but Hayden and the Swiss team convinced me it would be prudent to start with just one product. If the U.S. market is any indication, demand will grow naturally because of the nature of the product. Multiple countries have already expressed interest, and the sales team is confident our biggest issue by the end of the third quarter will be meeting supply.

I look at my watch in the hotel elevator. Two o’clock. Our reservation at the vineyard is for three, and it’s a half hour drive from the hotel. I was hoping for more time in the room first, but this is probably just as well.

I made a vow that our first time together will be special, and I intend to keep it. If I managed to keep my hands off her this morning after waking up with her legs tangled through mine, then what’s another few hours?


My hand is almost shaking as I swipe the key card. I’ve never been this out of control in my life, and the reason for it is standing on the balcony, not having heard me come in. I want to join her, but I have to change, and I know the whole waiting thing is going to be a hell of a lot harder if I have to change in front of her. Or even if I have to see that glint of attraction in her eyes before I bring my clothes to the bathroom. So I change before going out there, ditching the suit for a pair of jeans and a sweater.

I won’t even need a jacket. The mild, sunny weather couldn’t be more perfect.

“Hello there,” I say, spotting a coffee cup in her hands.

Chari turns.

She looks me up and down. “You already changed. I didn’t even hear you come in.”

I join her at the railing, the view no less spectacular because I’ve seen it before.

“I’m stealthy.”

I lean in to kiss her, and she weaves a hand into my hair, bringing me closer as our tongues tangle. It takes less than a minute for me to become hard as a rock. Knowing we’re alone, with a bed just a few steps away . . .

I pull back.

“Unfortunately, we have to head out already. Sorry I’m a bit late.”

“It’s fine. How did it go?”

It shocks me more than a little to realize the last thing I want to talk about is work.

“Good. We’re all set for tomorrow.” I take her hand. “Ready to go?”

She’s wearing jeans, brown boots, and a chunky salmon-colored sweater, the loose turtleneck making me long to pull it down and devour her neck, kissing my way up behind her ear and making her beg for us to stay here, in this room.

I groan as she brushes past me, not sure I can make it all day.

Tonight, I tell myself again. It’s quickly becoming a mantra.

On the drive up the mountain to Coteau Vineyards, Chari clutches my hand, squeezing it hard enough to hurt whenever a car brushes past us on the narrow, winding road.

“We’re going to die.”

I try not to laugh.

“We’ll be fine. But maybe don’t look.” Even as I say it, she glances at the side of the road as it plunges into what could reasonably be considered a cliff.

“Holy shit, are they serious?”

I’m not sure who “they” are, but Chari’s response to everything on this trip makes me smile inside. There’s still so much that I want to show her, do for her. I’m not as flashy as Hayden, but I don’t shy away from some of the nice things our hard work has earned for us.

“There it is.” I point to the fields above us. Even brown and divested of grapes, they are beautiful. Rolling hills of vines that hint at the lush greens of spring to come.

“A vineyard!”

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