Page 120 of Billion Dollar Date

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“I know, but Devon’s a guy.”

I’m not sure what to do with that.

“There’s a different dynamic between men. I just . . . I know how important he is to you, and I want him to like me.”

This is so unlike Chari. Her concern would almost be laughable if it weren’t so genuine. I haven’t met a soul who doesn’t like her. Chari’s ability to blend seamlessly into any crowd is one of her many remarkable qualities.

“He’ll love you. Like I do.”

“Wednesday nights are your thing,” she says, biting her lip. “Maybe we should have arranged this for another time.”

“Are you kidding? Hayden is dying to meet you.”

Chari just moved her stuff this weekend, and Hayden was out of town. So I’m bringing her to dinner tonight. But it’s very clear to me she’s as nervous as she claims, and nothing I say seems to help.

“Talk to me.”

Chari licks her lips, so of course I can’t resist the urge to do the same. I lean forward, intending to make my kiss comforting. Instead, it spirals quickly out of control. Thinking of those buttons she played with earlier, I find them easily, using them to pull her even closer.

One minute, I’m kissing my girlfriend to distract her.

The next, my hand is up her sweater, the distraction becoming very real. I find her hard nipple and roll it between my thumb and forefinger. Her low groan encourages me to continue until I’m throbbing with need for her.

I pull away and look out the tinted window. The traffic is basically at a standstill, and another soundproof tinted window conceals us from the driver.

Fuck it.

Moving with the speed of someone who knows traffic can lighten up any time, making our drive to Faustini’s quicker than anticipated, I fish out the condom in my wallet and go to work. It’s not easy maneuvering all of that in the back seat of a car, even a roomy one like this, but a little determination can go a long way.

It takes just a few minutes, Chari staring at me, openmouthed, clearly surprised at the quick turn of events, and I’m ready.

“You can’t be serious.”

But she knows I am. Already Chari’s boots are off, and her black leggings are halfway down her legs. I don’t need to pump myself. I don’t need to prepare at all. The thought of her sliding onto my lap, me filling her as we inch toward the restaurant, is all the enticement I need.


I don’t say it because the car is moving closer to our destination, but because I really want—need—Chari closer to me. When she does finally manage to wrestle off her leggings, it takes me less time to pull her on top of me than it will for another horn to honk outside the car.

“Chari.” I can barely get the word out as she slides onto me. My hands palm both cheeks, spreading her wide. Thankfully, being caught isn’t a concern. I could come now if Chari were ready.

“I can’t believe we’re doing this.”

I set the pace, Chari follows. At first. When she takes over, I’m lost.

Tossing my head back, I close my eyes, unable to watch her any longer.

“Are you OK?” she says in an undertone.

If I’m being honest? No.

I feel like a horny teenager.

“Oh God,” I say as she writhes over me.

“You look really hot right now,” she says, panting.


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