Page 59 of When We Feel

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Observing the motion, he gently cups a breast before teasing my nipple. Before long, he slips the lacy fabric past my nipples, exposing my breasts. My nipples are hard because of the cool air in the room and also him.

He flicks the straps down and plays with my necklace, the view making him bite his lip.

“You look perfect,” he says before rolling to his back, picking up his phone, and coming back to me.

He swipes his phone screen, and before I say a word, the shutter goes off.

“What are you doing?”

I’m not mad. Should I be? Well, I’m not.

“It’s for you,” he says, inviting me to take a look.

It’s for me, but it’s on his phone.

I peek at the picture.

He has captured me from the lips down. No one can tell it’s me in the picture except Kai and Francisco, maybe.

I study the picture.

My hair is draped over my shoulders, my neck is smooth, and my lips are tilted into a teasing smile.

My chest is bare, and the lace outlines my breasts. The necklace is superb––I already knew that.

I lift my gaze and hand him his phone.

“Now you know what I see,” he says, putting his phone back.

“You can take more pictures of me if you want to.”

He peers at me over his shoulder, an eyebrow lifted.

“Are you sure?”


My resoluteness registers with him.

Is there a plan behind my proposal? No. I just want him to have pictures of me naked, or almost naked, lying next to him, modeling this beautiful diamond necklace.

I want him to look back at this afternoon and see it as something real. Something more than a game or an arrangement.

Maybe I’m setting up a trap for him, hoping that he could prove me wrong by showing me that there is more than meets the eye in our story.

Maybe not having feelings in this game is harder than I thought.

And maybe we should just live through it as if there was no game. Even if we need to pull back at some point and never admit that there were feelings despite the beautiful memories collecting dust in the drawers of our minds.

I want them to have the best memories that I can give them.

And I want the memories I make with them to stay with me forever.

The past is the past, the future is a fickle promise, and the present is all we’ve got.

It’s hardly mind-blowing stuff, but it’s true.

They’ve seen nothing of me. They… Meaning, Alejandro, Francisco, and Kai.

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