Page 34 of When We Feel

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Maybe he was guided by emotions, or he’s followed his instinct. Or maybe he doesn’t care.

Whatever it was, it got me hooked, and now I’m squirming and growling.

Not finishing me was intentional. It’s not like he’s an amnesiac. He knows what he’s done. He’s used me, the exact opposite of what they’ve done.

They’ve charmed me, brought me gifts, bought me flowers, and planned secret rendezvous with me.

They have shared secrets with me and even given me the inside scoop. Alejandro… Like him, Kai.

Their rivalry was perfect, but not anymore.

Alejandro said it would be rough, and I should’ve listened. For sure, I didn’t imagine this kind of rough. I thought it would be more like spanking and fucking my mouth hard.

That sort of hard.

I didn’t think fucking me hard meant ruining my dress, pressing my back against the wall, opening my legs, and banging me like we were in a low-budget movie.

The wild card. The dark horse. Everything I should’ve feared wasn’t who I thought it would be.

The biggest surprise of all is him, Kai Walker.

The man who set up everything.

He runs his hand down my spine in an unexpected gesture of tenderness. Or maybe he marks his territory, spreading his cum down my back.

I won’t bet my money on tenderness. It just feels that way. He lowers himself behind my back, and I flick my gaze over my shoulder just as he puts his mouth straight against my opening.

That sends a warm shock wave through me. And another one. And I get tingles and pulse again while he licks me clean.

It’s not what I expected, not in the least, and it makes me forget he had left me hanging. And now, I scale up again, and if history repeats itself, he’ll be gone, and I’ll roll between the cold sheets alone, prickly like a hedgehog.

He moves his tongue, collecting warm drops before pushing it inside my center. I get fooled and react. Moaning, pushing back against his touch.

I don’t think he’s teasing me. I hope he’s not teasing me.

I go back and back… Even more… While he curves his hands around my hips. I need him inside me. I want him inside me so badly I rock my body, and then boom… The revelation strikes me.

He knows how much I abhor when I can’t get what I arduously want.

He keeps stroking my pussy while moving back ever so slightly. Not only does he know that little detail about me, but he tells me without words how much he hates it too.

He wants what he wants, and I better not mess with it unless I want to end up on his hit list.

Pretty much like now.

It’s true.

We aren’t that much different.

He pushes to his feet and tucks his cock inside his boxers just as he hardens again. Regardless, his dick goes back into his pants, and his fly zips up before his fingers run across his lips, removing a drop of cum and possibly my arousal.

A smile spreads across his lips while I stare at him, speechless, looking funny with my bottom up, freshly cleaned, longing for his erection.

The erection I’m not gonna get. Not right now. Not until tonight. Maybe never privately, with only him and me in the room.

I’m sure disbelief glows on my face.

“I’ll see you later,” he says, threading his fingers through his hair and giving me a soft wink.

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