Page 56 of The Last Royal

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The door closed gently. Still, Ace did not move from where she was perched on the edge of her seat, her head resting on her arms, propped against the bed before her. She knew if she lifted her face, the layer of sweat and blood still on her skin would make the act of pulling her forehead away from her arms feel as if she were ripping a bandage off. It was probably just another Fae coming to check in on her. One of them had already tried to talk her into bathing…even gone as far as to send a witch into the room to spell her clean. Ace demanded that they leave and slammed the door in their faces.

So she ignored the boots that walked from the door and stopped at her side. A hand rested on her shoulder. She was about to shrug it off when the person spoke. “He’s gonna be okay.” Rehan’s voice drifted down to her. The chair that once had been underneath her flung backward and clattered to the ground. Her arms circled Rehan’s neck as she leapt at him. His arms found her waist. His skin was clean and scrubbed and smelling nothing like the stench that had to be rolling off of her in waves.

“Gods, Rehan!” Her nose settled against the flesh of his throat. Rehan stroked her hair, holding her tightly before he let her slip down his body. “You’re alive! I wasn’t sure either of you would return.”

Rehan laughed in a breathy way. “Oh, there was no way I wasn’t coming back.” His glowing orange eyes looked past her to the bed Shelby had been laid out on, his head cocked unnaturally to the side. Rehan let his touch coast over the side of the mattress before pulling his attention back up. “He will be back too. I actually came to say my goodbyes and make sure of it before I left.”

Ace wrapped her arms around her stomach. “Your goodbyes? You’re leaving? I thought you…”

“Were going to marry you and rule over this country? It was a pretty dream while lasted, was it not?”

“Where are you going?” A fear of being alone once more began to spin in her stomach, sending her insides tumbling.

He gave her a lopsided grin. “I’m going where all the gods go.”

Her stomach dropped. Blinking rapidly, she tried to find the meaning behind his words.

That smile only grew and with a wave of his hand over his face, his brown hair darkened a few shades and grew several inches. Eyes that matched her own lightened to a sunny yellow, and his cheeks sunk in enough to show off high cheekbones. He stretched and his body elongated a couple of inches taller. When Rehan looked back down at her he was still Rehan just a little bit different, a little bitoff. There was a light sheen to his skin as if all the stars in the sky had been buried within him and were still trying to shine.

“I have not been entirely honest with you.” His smile was more cunning and devious than it had been on his face before. “It really was a shame that you did not love me. Here I thought I was your most favorite god. It’s been many years since I visited this land. I must say I’m relieved I no longer have to play my part. It can be exhausting being thisboring.” He let out a little snort. “You killed the queens and you didn’t even really need me.”

Her back hit the wall, without her even realizing that she was moving, putting space between her and who she’d known as Rehan. “Who are you?”

His voice lowered until it mimicked the sound of rolling thunder. He chuckled and the noise was familiar. She knew, she knewthatvoice. “It might be more fun if you guessed.”


“I knew you’d recognize me. At least you know my voice,” he said. He poked a finger at Shelby’s arm. “You made your choice and I can respect that even if Mina is never going to let me live it down. Very well, let me give you my gifts and then I’ll be on my way.”

“Gifts?” Ace squeaked.

Rehan was Ramdon. She had been in the presence of god this entire time? She had kissed a god? She’s beenengagedto a god.

“Well, I’m feeling generous so don’t make me change my mind, okay?” Ace nodded. “Let me start with you.”

Her breaths became shallow, back pressed hard into the wall as Ramdon came to her. He brushed a strand of hair crusted with blood from her face and tipped his chin down like he might kiss her before he whispered, “This might feel a little weird.”

His palm flattened to her forehead and everything inside her tightened then lifted as though it was being sucked through a straw right to her brain. Her body tingled, losing feeling in the tips of her limbs first, all the way until it reached her heart. When she felt her heartbeats slow, certain that any moment they would stop altogether, his hand dropped. Ace sucked in air. She opened her eyes. Everything was quiet.

“I severed your connection to the gods. No more unwanted conversations, no more prayers. Unfortunately, that means no more holy fire either or healing abilities. So do be careful. I made a few other minor adjustments as well…” He licked his lips. “I hope you don’t mind. Now you will have a normal human life.”

A thank you was lodged in her throat unable to make its way out. Her eyes drifted from his face to where Shelby lay still on the bed not far away from them.

Ramdon sighed a little as if he expected that. He ran two fingers down Ace’s arm, walking them over her skin then through the air, onto Shelby’s bed, over his arm, and stopped at his heart. He lowered his hand to Shelby’s chest. White light pulsed from his fingers, sinking into Shelby’s skin.

After a moment, Ramdon dusted his hands and turned back to face her. “If you ever change your mind and you want a powerful lover, let me know.” With a wink, he headed for the door. Over his shoulder, he added, “By the way King Osiris brought Margo. She’s on her way. She’ll be here soon.”

The door closed.

This couldn’t be real. Ace was certain all of this had been some sort of figment of her imagination. Or had she just died and didn’t know it yet? She really wasn’t sure. She sprinted to the door, throwing it open only to find the long hallway utterly empty.

Shelby inhaled sharply, breath finally filling his lungs.

“Oh my gods!” The door slammed shut behind her, and she darted back to throw herself on top of him.

“Ow!” Shelby groaned. “Ace you might’ve just broken one of my ribs and your elbow is digging in my shoulder.”

She only squeezed him tighter in response. “Margo is going to be here soon, don’t tell her you died. That will only freak her out.” She pulled away and Shelby squinted at her. Her jaw dropped as she realized the orange was gone from his gaze.

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