Page 57 of The Last Royal

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“Did somebody spell you?”

She shook her head. “No, why?”

A finger caressed her neck where her scar was. “Your scar is gone. Your eyes are brown. Just brown and beautiful.”

A blush warmed her cheeks. “I think Rehan might’ve had something to do with that.”

He frowned. “Rehan?”

“It turns out that Rehan wasn’t really Rehan after all. He was actually Ramdon, which is kind of funny now that I think about it.”

Shelby sat up, almost toppling Ace off of him as he did so. He caught her and said, “I don’t think that’s funny at all.”

“Yes. Well we’re going to have to work on your sense of humor.”

She let her lips coast over his only for Margo to throw the door open wide and come running in.

“Oh my gods. One of the Fae told me that Shelby was dead!” Her eyes were bloodshot and her cheeks damp. “That was a very mean joke because he doesn’t look very dead to me!”

“Because I’m not dead.”

“Thank gods! Because now I get to be a princess.”

Shelby arched the brow. “How do you get to be a princess?”

“Because you two are the king and queen. Isn’t it wonderful? I’m assuming I get to live with you. Which castle are we going to pick? Well, clearly we can’t live in Sienna’s because it was torn to shreds, Farah’s castle is still intact, so is Ambrose’s. I kind of think Ambrose’s could be really cool to live in. I don’t want to live here; there are too many windows people can look through. Honestly, I think that might scare me at night. Does this mean that we’re rich? Can I go dress shopping? Oh no, I’m going to go weapon shopping that sounds even more fun. I played along really well on the way here but I still think I’m going to kill King Osiris one day.”

Ace rose, grimacing. “Maybe don’t say that very loud.”

“Right, element of surprise is very important. Anyway, some people are waiting for you whenever you’re done doing whatever you two are doing in here. They told me to come get you.”

“Oh, will you go ahead and tell them we’re on our way? And will be there soon?”

Margo giggled like she knew what that meant before she sprinted from the room.

“Ace?” Shelby asked. She turned around. “I’m not ready for this.”

“I’m not sure we were ever ready for any of this.” Ace tucked her hand into his. “But we will figure the rest of this out together.”

“On one condition,” He swung his legs from the bed, and rose to his full height. “My grandma gets invited to the coronation.”

“It’s a deal.” She stood on her tiptoes.

Shelby lowered, speaking against her lips. “Long live the king and queen.”


Warm water rocked against Ace’s torso, her lower half submerged in the tub so large it should have been considered a pool. She shifted against the body behind her, something firm pressed against her back. A sigh of contentment left her.

Water dripped from the large hand that lifted from her side and left a wet trail between her breasts and up to her neck. Those same fingers sunk into her hair, pulling gently until she tilted her head enough to give access to her throat. Shelby pressed a hot kiss there.

“We really need to get dressed,” Ace whispered. Even hidden away behind closed doors the shouts and cheers of the waiting crowd still reached them, though they tried their best to ignore them.

“But it is so much more fun in here.” She shivered as he spoke against her ear, a finger drawing repeated circles over her breast. His heart beat against her back, picking up pace as she squirmed against him again.

“Don’t tempt me, you wicked, wicked, man.” Ace spun herself around and wrapped her legs around him. They lined up even better, their naked bodies pressing away any space between them.

Shelby’s gaze lowered hungrily to her body, his palms encompassing her ass, as he pulled her tightly to him. “I think you are the one who is tempting me.” Leaning in, his mouth brushed over hers. “My queen.”

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