Page 42 of The Last Royal

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Idalia had told her countless times since she’d awoken after the dagger had been plunged into her chest, that this new body could do more than her mortal body could. She hoped that was true. Brushing her hand against the ruby necklace, Ambrose wondered if she’d look this young forever. Or would she slowly, very very slowly, age.

She turned toward her door, readying to leave and sneak the snacks that might hopefully ease her hunger. She imagined the sweet wine that Idalia had given her a glass of every day since she’d returned and her mouth watered. She’d make sure to ask for that as well.

A one-two knock tapped against her door as she reached for the knob. Ambrose blinked. Shaking away the sudden shock that had frozen her for a moment, she opened the door. A large bouquet of red roses, dotted with little white specs of smaller flowers in-between filled her vision. The sweet scent brought a slow smile across her cheeks.

Lowering the bouquet, Burke gave her a soft smile. “I brought these for you. May I come in?”

“How could I even say no?” Ambrose stepped aside.

The last roses that Burke had given her were drying in their vase. She’d never found the heart to throw them out. Burke strolled by her, smelling strongly of his cologne with undertones of soap as if he’d just come from a bath. He plucked the old flowers from the vase and carefully arranged the new ones for her.

Laying the drying flowers on the table, he turned back to her. “Ambrose?”

She arched a brow, closing the door for privacy. “Burke?”

“I’ve come here to tell you that I’m refusing Idalia tonight.” His mouth pressed into a tight line but his eyes remained opened, pinned on her. Desperation shone in that familiar gaze. “I know she plans for me to be her king. But I can’t pretend to be her pet any longer. Not with you here, not when every piece of me loves you.”

His confession felt like ice water thrown over her skin. Ambrose knew that he had confessed to loving her enough years ago to sacrifice what they had for her safety. She hadn’t realized that hestillloved her.

“Please,” Burke stepped closer. His scarred hand coasted along Ambrose’s jaw sending a shiver down her spine. “Please, Ambrose, let me be your king.”

She’d frozen at his touch. He leaned in and she didn’t pull away; she couldn’t force herself to move. His lips brushed hers like a soft question. Her mouth parted with a breath that tangled with his, both answer and invitation.

Burke’s firm body aligned against hers. One hand curled against her waist, the other sinking into her hair. She could feel the way he trembled as he closed the slightest bit of distance between their lips and eased into the kiss. It was everything she remembered it to be.

No matter Burke’s rugged appearance, his kisses had always been gentle. His lips teased at hers until the queen forgot that she’d even planned to leave early. The past was a hard thing to leave behind. In fact, she was certain she’d just traveled in time and was back in River’s Bend planning her future with him.

It was Ambrose who deepened the kiss and made it feverish. Her hands slid up the expensive fabric of his shirt before she fisted his collar to hold him closer yet. It was she who parted his mouth with the sweep of her tongue. Desire was a dangerous memory that drifted down in wafting tendrils of smoke to the pits of her stomach and between her legs.

Ever so gently, she sucked his lip into her mouth, the points of her teeth scrapping along the tender flesh. A tooth drew a thin line of blood. Ambrose inhaled, her mouth watering at the taste. Shouldn’t blood taste tangy like copper? Burke’s blood didn’t taste anything like that at all. It was tart but not terribly so, and it reminded her of a drink she would pair with her dessert.

Her tongue ran over the shallow wound before she sucked again. His blood pooled in her mouth and she swallowed it down. Their lips were moving again, tainted with the taste. Burke groaned into her. The vibration of the sound cut through her until her thighs were clenched under her dress.

Callouses scratched at her gown as his hands slid down. She felt his fingers curling into the fabric of the skirts. His kisses trailed from her lips to her jaw and the curve of her neck. Ambrose took in a gasping breath. Somehow she’d forgotten to breathe.

Fabric was being gathered in Burke’s hands. Fresh air licked at her skin as her legs were exposed. His touch was hot as his palms found the flesh of her thighs. A small moan left her as he dug his fingers into her and pulled one of her legs around his waist. He was hard under the confining zipper of his pants, the length of him grinding against her center as he aligned them with expert precision.

His lips had found her mouth again. Ambrose had to hold herself up by wrapping her arms around his shoulders as her knees had gone a little weak. Sirens went off inside her head as Burke’s fingers teased at the top of her undergarments.

Too much. Too fast. All wrong.

Ambrose lurched away. Her dress swayed at her ankles as the material fell back down and she stumbled into a chair. “Burke,” she whispered.

“I’m sorry.” He rubbed a hand at his now swollen lips. A small mark of red was evidence of the blood she’d drawn. “I only meant to come and tell you that I want to spend the rest of my life with you like we’d planned before. Please.” Desperation seeped into his voice making Ambrose’s heartbeat quicken. “Please, allow me to be your king.”

Holding her chest to keep her heart from leaping out of it and running away, Ambrose turned from him, taking a few steps in one direction before taking the few steps back. “It’s not that easy. I—Without you, I moved on. I…”

“Found someone else?” Those lips that had been hot and moving against hers now turned down at the edges.

Ambrose flinched from the devastation that flashed through his rugged features. She knew the feeling all too well. Only when she was at her weakest point had she ever dreamt of hurting him in the way he had hurt her. Eventually, though, she had healed and didn’t feel quite the same any longer. Especially after spending this time with him recently.

In her heart she knew she cared for Burke, and there would always be a place for him in her life. She just wasn’t sure that being her life partner was it. Her silky blue sleeve fell back down her arm as she reached for him. Her fingers grazed his chest before he took a step away and covered his face.

“I knew there was a risk that you’d find love elsewhere. I just prayed that your heart would wait for me.” He sniffled. “I won’t marry Idalia. Whether you’ll have me or not.” Those words were muffled by his palms. “I can’t live like this anymore.”

“Burke.” With a heavy heart, she closed the space between them and carefully took his hands in hers. His eyes shone at the edges. The edges of his teeth became apparent as he bit down on his bottom lip. “If things had been different, I would have loved you till the day I died. We would have had a happy marriage.”

“It would have been amazing.” His gaze searched her face.

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