Page 43 of The Last Royal

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“That’s just not how it happened though. It is unfortunate that our time has come and passed. Trust me, I’ve grieved my love for you more days than I should even admit to. It’s time for you to move on, find your new love.”

Even as she spoke the words she knew that in this moment, he would not receive them. Finding a new love was not something he likely even wanted to do. She hadn’t wanted to let go. From the day he made his commitment to Idalia, even all the way up to the moment she’d stepped foot in this castle, she had held onto some piece of him. But it was time.

“It’s going to be okay,” she whispered. “Even if it doesn’t feel like it right now. I will always be here for you too.”

“Who is it?” Burke said, gruffly.


“I just want to know that he is worthy of you.”

Ambrose watched the white scars on his hands stretched as he fisted his hands once before opening them to scrub at his head and neck. He would find out sooner rather than later anyway. She’d already planned on giving Ephram the crown. What could it hurt telling him now?

“One of the suitors, Ephram. He and I actually had some sort of a relationship prior to his appearance here.” She wouldn’t tell him that he was Fae. That much didn’t need to be told and probably not for a very, very long time.

“Ephram.” He breathed the name out. Placing his hands on his hips, he shifted his weight from one foot to the other and back.

She gave a small nod. Not sure what exactly she should do with herself now, she clasped her hands in front of her. There was a smidgen of pink staining Burke’s lips from the makeup that had been smeared over her lips. She knew she’d have to check herself in the mirror before she left.

“I haven’t spoken to him much,” Burke admitted.

“You should get to know him. I’m sure you’ll be fast friends.” His skin was feverish as she rubbed her thumb at the pink that had transferred to his face. A blush warmed his cheeks. He didn’t blush often but when he did it made her smile. “I’m getting ready to head to the party. Do you want to come with me?”

He shook his head, eyes trained on her as she walked to a mirror and began to fix the smeared bit of lipstick around her mouth. The hunger that had been bothering her before he came had quelled. Maybe she hadn’t really been hungry at all? Only nervous?

“No, I’m going to talk to Idalia before we go. If I said no this afternoon she might very well kill me. We both know she needs time to make plans. So I’m off to go ruin hers, unfortunately.”

Ambrose grimaced. “Do be careful.”

“I will. And you too, be careful around this Ephram character.”

Even when she’d just broken his heart he still cared for her. Their marriage would have been spectacular. Life just hadn’t worked out that way. They both had to roll with the punches and evolve despite the growing pains that came with it.

She rubbed at the tightness in her chest as he left. Whispering to herself and the gods she sent off a prayer for him.

There is only I who might answer your prayers now.The voice in her head was smiling. She hoped that meant he might answer the plea.

Wasting time, she fiddled with her already perfect curls in the mirror. Only when her pulse slowed back down to a steady thrumming inside her veins did she pull away and leave her room behind. The first thing she noticed was how empty the halls were. The extra guards that had been stationed around the castle since she’d arrived here were not at their posts.

Perhaps Idalia didn’t think they needed them any longer now that Ambrose and her younger sisters were in their new bodies. An eerie silence was only broken by the gentle tap of her staff against the tiled floors. A prickling sensation swept over her shoulders and up her neck. The hairs on her arms stood up.

She felt eyes on her back. Someone was watching.

A guard? Hopefully.

She turned searching for the presence she knew was there. The hallway behind her was empty. Wrinkles formed on her nose as she crinkled it in confusion and turned back—

Light blue eyes stared down at her. The pointed tip of his ears stuck out from the black hair he’d brushed away from his face. Ephram looked nothing short of a god with his pressed black suit embroidered with navy flowers.

Ambrose sucked in her breath before blowing it out with a chuckle. “What have you done with the guards?”

“I only asked them to leave so that I might have a moment of your time.” He grinned and she could remember the feeling of his pointed teeth as she’d run her tongue over them when they’d kissed.

Her face warmed. Her tongue had been in Burke’s mouth not long ago. In fact, she could still smell him on her own skin. Surely, he could smell him too.

The queen expected accusation in his gaze, but instead, all she found was concern. Why was everyone looking at her like she was some kind of wounded bird?

“What happened to you?” Ephram finally asked. “You weren’t entirely yourself at the last event and you didn’t even attend the event before that.”

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