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Chapter Twenty-Seven


I’m weirdly enjoying this holiday. I mean, obviously it’s great because I get to see Raven in a bikini and a hell of a lot less clothes than I would have back home in Edinburgh…Ugh. I can’t believe I’m thinking of that place as home now.

I’ve decided that I love Baxter fucking Branson. They guy’s a goddamn legend. Not only because he’s clearly fucking Ironman or Batman or shit, but because he’s literally richer than God. He’s got us all a suite at the most prestigious hotel in the world. It’s so prestigious it doesn’t officially exist. Mind. Blown.

I get a massive super king size bed to myself and I swear I need to get one at home. It’s practically orgy sized. Not that I’ve been having any orgies, or even any sex in this bed. Not for want of trying, but Phoenix is exhausting. Our days are filled with sightseeing, or day trips to water parks. Even our quiet days at the beach or by the pool are action packed and full of laughter. I’m not complaining, I just feel like I need a holiday to recover from this one. Phoenix is great fun, I’d just like to have enough energy at the end of the day to have fun with her mum too.

The weird thing is that I really don’t mind spending time with Phoenix or that Raven splits her time between the five of us. Six, if you count Nix. I thought I’d be more jealous – I certainly would have been in the past – but I just feel...happy. Like this is where I’m meant to be.

I guess we need to sit down and have a talk about what the plan is when all the drama is over and Raven graduates. I’d prefer somewhere a lot less rainy and much warmer. I miss the sea and the unique blend of peace and exhilaration that I get when I ride the waves.

Actually, it’s pretty early so I might make the most of that and go out now for an early surf. No one is awake yet anyway if the quiet apartment is anything to go by.

I climb out of bed and pull on yesterday’s shirt and shorts. Not much point showering before I get wet, I’ll need to rinse the salt water off afterwards anyway. I grab a pastry as I walk past the kitchenette and then shoulder my wet bag by the front door. I’m just debating leaving a note in case the others do wake up when I’m interrupted.

“Thor? Did you see mummy?”

“Hey Nix.” I turn and give her a warm smile I don’t have to fake. Seeing her genuinely makes me happy. “You’re up early, trouble, what’s up?”

“I had a bad dream and I can’t find Mummy.”

Shit. I guess Raven and Baxter didn’t make it home last night then. Or they did, but only as far as his bedroom, not hers.

“I think she’s…” I have no idea what to say, so I opt for distraction as the best tactic. “Want to hang out with me?”

“Yeah!” Her grin is infectious, her bad dream forgotten. Should I mention it? Ask her about it? Or is it better to let it go if she’s moved on? Parenting is hard. Even with four other guys to help me, I constantly feel like I’m fucking it up.

“Do you want some breakfast?” I offer.

“Pancakes?” she asks hopefully. I pull a face.

“Ace makes the best pancakes. I don’t really cook all that much.”


“I make a mean cereal cocktail though, wanna try that?”

“Yeah!” She grins at me and skips into the kitchen to grab a bowl. I follow and empty the cupboard of all the different cereals I can find.

“Right, it’s dead simple, just stick your hand in the box—”

Nix gasps.


“I’m not allowed.”

“You are today,” I tell her firmly. “Stick your hand in, grab a small handful of the cereal and add it to your bowl. Then move on to the next one and don’t stop until you have a little bit of each one you fancy.” I demonstrate to her with my own bowl of cereal and after watching me for a moment, she joins in. Soon we’re sitting together on the sofa, quietly munching our cereal.

“Were you going somewhere?” Nix asks me.

“I was going to go to the beach for a surf,” I tell her.

“Can we?!” She bounces in excitement, spilling a little milk on the chair. “Ooops.”

“Don’t worry about it. It’s just a drop of milk. You really love the beach, huh?” She nods. I smile. Just like her mum. Just like me. “Okay. I guess we could go, but I’m not taking you surfing without your mum’s permission.”
