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Media whips the world into a frenzy, and suddenly Tilly finds herself slap bang in the middle of the world’s biggest game of Where’s Wally (or Where’s Waldo for all my across the pond subscribers – hi, we love you, corn dogs rule!) Unfortunately, the game dies out faster than fidget spinners (remember those? No? Well let’s just say her popularity declined quicker than that of a certain disgraced Royal).

Now here’s the bit that wasn’t reported in the mainstream media: reports show that Tilly made contact with her husband several times while she was purported to be ‘missing’. She was allegedly staying at a ‘spa’ though there have been claims that she was actually at a private mental health facility. Which is an excellent defence against her husband’s claims that he was filing for divorce due to the abuse his son suffered while in Tilly’s care.

Now obviously if that had made mainstream media, the outcome of this blog would have been very different. No one would be trying to #TrackDownTilly because they gave a flying fuck about her. But she might just have the entire world hunting for her, baying for her blood. After all, there’s nothing we love more than a witch hunt, right?

And so the ‘sorry’ tale ends with Tilly allegedly agreeing to walk away from the marriage with nothing, in exchange for a one-way plane ticket to a new life and her soon-to-be ex-husband agreeing to drop the charges of child abuse against her.

Instead, he should probably focus on getting his son some much needed therapy.

Dude, next time you look for a wife, choose better.

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