Page 67 of Owned By The King

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“You can go fuck yourself. That territory, his business, is never going to be yours,” I barked, then turned around and walked out of the office.

“You’re making a huge mistake!” she shouted after me.

I had to get away from her and process what just happened because the pain finally eased. I ran until I found a restroom. Locking myself inside, I cried, howled, tried to gather my wits and my thoughts.

He was never a good man. He was just playing a part. In reality, he was a cheater and a liar. How did I believe him?

Then, suddenly, I felt more pain in my head and it was spreading fast, all the way to the middle of my skull. The flashbacks returned, and I was seeing scenes I couldn’t recognize before. Memories I’d been trying to recover for so long.

I was seeing myself dancing in front of that guy that called himself Vinny, then Sebastian spanking me on his pool table—the first time he did it. I came so hard then. I was so wet for him that it almost filled me with shame. Then I was seeing our wedding in that small church. We were kissing … making love … arguing … and all the other memories that had been wedged deep inside me.

I remembered the beginning, when he was so cold and cruel. When he shot my father on the yacht—yes, I knew, but seeing it in my mind’s eye was way worse. He’d done it so casually, as if he didn’t mind killing a human being.

He was mafia after all—what did I expect?

He’d forced me to play Russina without preparation, without a shred of compassion.

When he punished me, he treated me like dirt under his shoe. He abused me, used me, fucked a woman in front of me, and now I remembered how all of that had turned me on.

I remembered everything. The pain in my head started again, so potent I couldn’t move. Tears kept streaming down my face. Fuck, this was too much, I couldn’t bear any of it.

Sebastian wasn’t the person I thought he was all this time. Memories were flashing through my mind and every time I saw the real him, it felt like someone was stabbing me in the gut. I threw my head back and began to breathe in and out in a measured rhythm until the pain finally ebbed again.

The tears though, I couldn’t stop them from falling. The dam had broken.

Getting a grip, I left the bathroom and wandered back to the party. One of the guests mentioned that Sebastian was upstairs in one of the rooms, talking to Senator Johnson, so that gave me an idea. I had to act quickly. It wasn’t too difficult to find a guy who wanted to have sex with me in here. I just walked up to a random stranger who stood alone and told him exactly what I needed him to do. He agreed, and then we chose a room that was situated not too far from the office where my husband was having a meeting with Johnson.

My hands were shaking when I kissed that guy. When his lips touched my mouth, I didn’t feel a thing. I was numb from head to toe, riddled with anger and resentment, but I had to act. I had to pretend that I wanted to have sex with this man.

Then, I told him to undress and wait for further instructions. This new plan was unfolding inside my head. I had to get Lilly afterwards. I had money on my account and many places where I could hide.

My parents had a summer house in Florida. Sebastian didn’t know about it and Dad had left it to me in his will. I could go there with my precious daughter while he was rotting in jail. I should have never trusted him, but now that I remembered everything, I could make different choices. Sebastian was possessive of me. He treated me like his property, and I knew he was going to lose his mind once he saw me in a compromising position with some stranger. He would kill him on the spot.

Everything worked exactly as I’d planned. Sebastian barged inside and then threw himself on that guy like white on rice.

As I rushed out, security was headed upstairs to stop Sebastian from committing murder.

This would take care of my problem. Sebastian would be arrested and I’d have enough time to disappear. Damn it, I was going to go to hell for this, but I had to get rid of him, or he’d never let me leave.

He was rotten to the core. Maybe I loved him, but right now, my own feelings weren’t relevant anymore. We needed to get a divorce and if I stayed and did nothing, he would probably convince me I was wrong. He would make me believe he was innocent and never lied to me. I had been so fucking naive, so stupid, but this ended now.

“I need a cab now!” I said, approaching a member of the senator’s security team. There was no one else I could turn to here. I could have called an Uber, but I didn’t want him to trace my comings and goings.

Sebastian and I were done.

“There is a driver here. He will take you anywhere, Ma’am,” the guy answered.

I’d run out barefoot, leaving my shoes behind. I’d get a pair from somewhere.

Soon, I was being driven towards Penelope’s house. It was so late and I truly didn’t want to drag Lilly out of bed, but my options were limited at this point. We needed to be away from Sebastian. My daughter wasn’t going to have a father who killed people, cheated and lied. This kind of life wasn’t for her.

How did I not see this before? I gave him my virginity willingly, and he threw it back in my face.

It was stupid for me to think he was the prince on a white horse. The driver got me to Penelope’s house pretty fast. I had very little time to get Lilly and then head out. Penelope was kind. I knew she would take my side and cover for me. I just had to disappear and lay low for a little while until I figured out what to do next.

Penelope finally answered the door. She must have been asleep because she came out in her dressing gown and slippers. Her apartment was small, similar to the one I’d rented while in college, before Sebastian kidnapped me.

“Marinka, what on earth are you doing here? Is everything all right?” she asked when she let me in. I walked inside and she shut the door behind me.

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