Page 39 of Owned By The King

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“I’m great, but I had an unfortunate fall and I must have bruised my ribs,” I admitted.

The doctor summoned one of the nurses to help me undress, then he examined me—Sebastian lounging on a chair, ankle on knee. I prayed he wouldn’t go ballistic like he had at the fair, but at least the man was old enough to fly above his jealousy radar. Maybe.

Dr. Stephens prescribed me some medication for the pain and said I just had to rest. There wasn’t anything else he could do about my ribs. It was just one of those things that had to heal on its own.

As far as the other thing, he said he wanted to run a scan of my brain, to make sure everything was all right. He spent some time asking questions related to my past. The entire visit took several hours, which was pretty trying for me.

When we were almost done, Sebastian asked him if he had any news.

“I haven’t recognised any major changes, and Marinka said she didn’t experience any dizziness or discomfort, so physically, she’s healthy.” He turned to me. “Give it a little more time. We will meet again soon to check your progress. Patience is the name of the game.” He smiled encouragingly.

We both thanked him and at last, we headed home in silence. I thought about things we could both try to bring some of the memories back. Sebastian parked in the garage and before we exited the car, he cupped my cheek and kissed me tenderly, warming me all over.

Since he started showing me this gentler side of him, my desire for him skyrocketed. I realized his was the face I wanted to see first thing in the morning and the last I wanted to see at night.

He deepened the kiss, touching my very soul and turning me into a pile of goo.

“I’m sorry again for what happened at the fair. It was not my intention to embarrass you. I need to get a grip,” he said, ending the oral embrace to my utter disappointment.

“I’ll be all right. I should have told him to shut up and then we could have avoided all that drama,” I said with a laugh.

“So you think it was funny,” he asked in a dejected tone. “Sounds worse than I thought.”

“Nope, but what else can we do but laugh about it now? Can’t take it back.” I shook my head.

“It wasn’t my best moment, I admit,” he sighed.

He touched his forehead to mine then, his gaze so deep and soulful.

We sat like that for a while, holding hands, speaking without words, while I drowned in him.

* * *

Over the next few days,I kept searching for clues about my life. Apparently, Sebastian didn’t have any pictures from our wedding in France. Sebastian mentioned I was supposed to be Russina, his two brothers still had no idea I wasn’t her, and he thought it easier if he didn’t have any evidence of the event.

Sebastian buried himself in his work, coming home late and giving me time to heal. After around two weeks, the pain eased off and I was able to do basic stuff. The weather was great and Sebastian agreed for me, Lilly, Tasha, and my father to go to North Avenue beach, as long as Pedro tagged along. The place was huge and there’d be lots of visitors. I wondered if we should go to the zoo first, but figured best take advantage of the warm temperatures at this time.

I was relieved my mother begged out, but couldn’t say I was surprised. She was predictable, if not motherly. Even Lilly had not succeeded in melting her heart of steel.

I was slowly settling into this new life. I still had a long way to go before I could fully embrace the fact that I was the wife of mafia king. So many questions popped up in my head about what that entailed in reality, for I still had no idea what would be expected of me. Perhaps when I regained my memories, it would dawn on me.

My relationship with Sebastian was improving, which made me content. He was so much more affectionate and warm than what he made himself out to be. Surprisingly, this time of no physical intimacy allowed us to work on the other things we needed to build on. We could open up to each other. I wasn’t sure if I’d fully discussed Nicolas with him, but whatever the case, I was ready to open up about it.

On Friday night, the phone rang and I picked up.

“I sent you a dress to wear. Be ready at eight. We are going out for dinner.” His velvety voice sent a shiver of awareness down my spine.

“Are you sure? Have you spoke to Tasha about staying a few extra hours?” I asked.

“Don’t worry, everything is arranged. Just get dolled up for me and let Pedro bring you to the location,” he said, then hung up.

He obviously had some special plans for us this evening and I was suddenly excited.

Just then, Pedro carried a huge box to my room and when I opened it, I gasped in amazement at beholding the most beautiful dress I had ever seen. Light and airy fabric with a flirty calf-length skirt cinched at the waist, a floral black and yellow high-end design, high-neck halter with an attached scarf to tie into a bow around the neck, bare back. The perfect size.

I couldn’t believe I was going out on a date with my husband. And this stylish confection was just the thing to make me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world.


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