Page 19 of Owned By The King

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“Would you like me to show you around?” he asked.

“Oh, Tasha was supposed to show me later, but might as well do it now, I guess.”

The mansion had eight bedrooms and even more bathrooms. To my delight, I found out I’d have my own room and I didn’t have to share one with Sebastian. Pedro looked at me curiously when I sighed with relief as he showed me the room.

He then took me to the main bedroom—mine and Sebastian’s. I couldn’t help but smile at the sight of all the dolls lined up on the bed.

“Pedro, could you have those put in my room for now?” I asked.

“Sure thing, Ms. Dimitrei,” he said with a nod, adding, “Shall we go out to the backyard?”

“I’ll take a look later. I think I’d best see to my luggage first.”

“I can take care of that for you, if you wish,” he offered.

“I appreciate that, but it will do me good to keep busy. You go on ahead and take a break … or whatever else you need to do. Thank you so much for showing me around.”

He curved his lips in a wide smile, showing white teeth. “My pleasure, ma’am.”

When he left, I headed to my room. By the time I unpacked, Lilly woke up from her nap, so I made her some lunch. Then we played again and soon, the evening rolled in.

Sebastian wasn’t back yet and I wondered what was keeping him away for so long. Was it really just work? Not that I cared … but the thoughts crept unbidden in my head. Pedro had said he slept in the penthouse in town at times for convenience. Maybe he wouldn’t come home tonight.

Pedro had also shown me where everything was in the kitchen so I went ahead and prepared dinner. Teresa used to do most of the cooking, but now that she was semi-retired and only showed up when needed, I sent her home for the evening because I needed a semblance of normalcy. Penelope was taking over—she had a talent for the culinary arts, and my daughter loved her too. I needed to take care of Lilly. Between maids, housekeepers, and such, I’d have to carve out some private times. I really wasn’t keen on a bunch of people being around at all times of day.

After dinner, Lilly went straight to her bedroom. I stayed with her for a few minutes until she went to sleep, then headed to my bedroom. I’d barely done anything today, yet I felt exhausted.

Sebastian’s face kept appearing in the forefront of my mind, no matter how many times I pushed it away. At some point, my eyes became heavy and I drifted away…

It was dark when I woke up some time later, and the room had gone cold despite the central heat keeping the temperature at a comfortable level, so I pulled the covers up to my chin. Then I realised I was lying naked in bed, but I didn’t remember undressing. Where the hell were my clothes? My nipples were stiff and I was aroused.

“Have you been thinking about me, teacup?” The smoky whisper startled me, and I glanced to my right to see a dark figure standing by the bed. I swallowed thickly, wondering why he was here.

“When did you come back? Your daughter was asking about you,” I said, keeping the covers up as goosepimples spread over my arms and the back of my neck.

“Just business took a while. Something important to deal with,” he said, inching closer to the side of the bed.

I could see the contours of his face in the shadows and only then did I realize he didn’t have his shirt on. Damn, Sebastian was fit, muscular, and tall with black pants hanging low on his hips. My gaze traveled down of its own volition, tracing the thin line of hair from his abdomen to his crotch, disappearing behind the belt—which, by the way, was undone, along with the top button.

“Now, Marinka, be a good girl and pull the covers away, so I can take a good look at you.”

His voice was smooth and calm, but the tone was commanding. I froze, then shook my head.

“No. I’m naked and you’re still a stranger to me.” I swallowed, my mouth going dry.

He smiled, revealing a set of white teeth in the darkness.

“Maybe, but you belong to me. You’re my wife and you must do what I say, or there’ll be consequences.” His tone brooked no argument, and when he pulled the covers away from me, exposing my body, the world spun on its axis. I tried to cover myself, then crawl to the other side of the bed, but he was faster.

Jumping on the bed, he grabbed my wrists and pinned me down with his weight.

“Get away from me! Don’t touch me!” I yelled, hoping someone would hear me. Would they come and help, though?

“Shut the fuck up, bitch! You’re mine to do with as I please,” he growled, and then he kissed me. The shock had me speechless for a long moment. He then forced my lips apart with his tongue and roughly devoured me, despite my incoherent protests.

“Please! Sebastian, you don’t want to do this,” I pleaded when he finally pulled away from me. He’d promised me we would take things slow and now he taking what he wanted, without regard to my feelings. Without my consent. Panic filled me when his eyes seemed to darken. Even in the dim lighting, it seemed like they’d stopped gleaming, becoming dark pools of evil intent.

“But you’re so wet for me, teacup,” he growled, and then his hand was right below my navel. I shook my head as he brushed his finger over my sex before sliding it further, right between my folds. I whimpered in terror, which only made him laugh. “Soaking wet for your king already.”

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