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Faraall’s menacing voice diced through my thoughts. “Got you now, you little bitch.”

His words turned my stomach to mush. Once again, I summoned the sea to free me from his grasp. A vortex circled in front of me, small at first, then expanding, and I launched it at the commander. The force propelled him and his men backward twenty feet.

Even from far away, I could see Faraall’s eyes burning like fire.

A small explosion from his hands rocketed me into a spin. I tumbled, as if caught in a powerful wave, hitting the ground, scraping, dragging, spinning. Air expelled from my lungs from one nasty crack on a rock.

The commander’s cruel laugh echoed in my mind.

Over and over, he blasted with his merpowers, rendering it impossible for me to escape. The waves spat me out onto the sand face-first. Pain cracked down my back and neck. Dazed, I fought to clear black dots from my vision. Despite this, I summoned my aquanium, a transformation from mermaid into human form. Water poured in my cells to keep them moisturized. Tingles swept across me as the change took hold of me. Scales vanished on my tail. My fin reshaped into feet, stripping away the last of my ocean body. Aching and tired from using my powers, I crawled along the sand.

Water splashed behind me as the mermen emerged from the sea.

“Get her,” barked Faraall.

Moments later, a trident jabbed me in the back.

Fire boiled in the pit of my stomach. I wasn’t even close to being finished, and I kicked him backward. His angered cries raged in my mind as I staggered away.

I didn’t get far. The commander’s soldiers surrounded me.

“Stop, Princess,” said one. “There’s nowhere left to run.”

I refused to give in. My legs wobbled, carrying me up the beach. Being on land was so different from swimming in water. It felt much heavier, almost as if my body were being dragged into the earth itself. During previous times I’d visited land, it often took a while for me to find my balance.

Everywhere ached like hell, making walking difficult. Black dots peppered my vision. Using my sea gifts had weakened me. I needed to rest. But I’d be damned if I let Faraall beat me so easily.

I heard the soldiers’ slurping footsteps on the sand behind me.

“Bring her to me,” said Faraall.

My hobble turned into a run. I disappeared into the beach shrubs along the dunes. But I stumbled, and one of the soldiers caught me, grabbing me in a headlock and dragging me back to the sand.

I didn’t have any fight left in me. The pain in my back blinded me. My power drained. I’d die before I married the commander…kill him before I saw him on the throne.

“One more chance, Princess,” said Faraall, his naked body dripping with water. “Marry me, or I’ll kill your father.”

The air was ripped from my lungs. I couldn’t get a word out even if I wanted to.

“Tie her up.” The commander’s tone carried venom, the kind promising repercussions.

Two of the soldiers removed the shark leather belts they wore. One bound my hands behind my back. The other fastened me to a tree, and I kicked at him with all my might. He smashed my head against the tree. Everything rocked before me. Sand flicked up into my face. The bastard had kicked it at me. I spat it out and snarled.

Shadows danced over me as the commander stood over me, his small dick twitching…probably with glee. Teeth bared, I lashed out with my leg, but that only made him laugh.

He grabbed my cheeks between his thumb and fingers and squeezed. “Your feistiness excites me, my sweet princess. I should take you here.”

He grabbed his stirring, sardine-sized cock, licked my cheek, and I shivered.

“Rather than wait for our wedding night,” he added.

Pig.I yanked my face free. How dare he speak to me like that? If he touched me inappropriately, I’d kill him in his sleep. I wriggled as he ran his fingers down my chest, circling my nipples beneath my corset. The nerve of him touching me in such a fashion. Behavior like his was against Tritonian law. Mermaids were to be respected.

“Perhaps I’ll even share you with my men.”

Ice ran down my spine as he traced my jaw.

“Let them fuck you up the ass until you bleed.” He sneered, his face inches from mine.

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