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Disgusting pig.This was the man my father had chosen as the commander of the sea army. I spat in Faraall’s face again in response to his degrading words.

He slapped me hard across the cheek, and I whimpered.

Tears stung my eyes, but I wasn’t going to let him see how he’d hurt and offended me. I bit back my pain and fear, glaring at the soldiers. What worms they were for daring to follow this slimy slug.Poseidon help their souls.They’d be damned for eternity for this…along with their leader.

Faraall’s words made me even more determined to save my father. I imagined the slimy slug in prison, rotting away for his crimes, and me smiling as I swam away from him.

The commander stroked my face with the back of his hand. “For years, I’ve desired you,” he said. “And the Sea Witch has promised I’ll have you forever once the king is dead. But I cannot have you interfere or ruin my plans in the meantime.”

What did that mean? He was going to leave me here to shrivel up and die?

“Get the pirates,” he barked.

Pirates? What business did he have with them?


By the timethe sun commenced its decent below the horizon, three pirates had arrived by ship, and Faraall stood, still stark naked, negotiating with them.

Word in Tritonia had spread about how these barbarians of the oceans sold merfolk and other creatures to the highest bidder, including the Sultan of Utaara, who had purchased tiger shifters for his menagerie.

“I need you to confine the princess for me until I send word,” Faraall snarled as if the pirates took orders from him.

The pirate with the long beard and dark eyes held his palms up. “I don’t want no war with the king of Tritonia.”

Gold filled the spots in his mouth where his teeth were missing. Jewels twinkled in the oversized buckle on his belt. A triangular-shaped hat sat atop his head. Long boots crept up his legs beneath his pants.

Faraall touched the shell on his necklace, and it glimmered green. “The sea king is under my command now.” A vicious edge scored his words.”Take her, or start a war with me.”

I wriggled against my restraints. “What in the name of the sea god is happening here?”

The head pirate turned to me. Uncertainty flashed in his eyes. He glanced at his associates, and they nodded.

“Very well.” Their leader gestured with a flick of his flingers. “Load her in da’ cart with the rest of ’em.”

Two pirates started for me.

My breaths raced faster than Sharkriders competing at a race. Every part of me trembled. Where were they taking me? Who were they selling me to? Serving another was not the fate life had in store for me. Had the sea god abandoned me because I’d rejected my royal duties?

I narrowed my eyes at the commander, even more determined to destroy him for his cruelty.

“No,” I shouted, digging grooves in the sand as I kicked my feet. “I am the second daughter of the sea king. What you’re about to do is against the laws of Tritonia!”

The wind picked up, as if raging along with my blood. Sand lashed at the pirates, soldiers, and Faraall as if sent by the sea god himself. They shielded their eyes with their forearms.

“We don’t abide by no laws, love,” said one of the pirates, stomping over to me and cutting at my bindings with a knife. He reeked of rum and urine. Unlike the head pirate, his teeth were blackened and rotting.

“You might want to gag her,” said Faraall. “She’s very mouthy. Not an attractive quality in a bride.”

“Don’t worry,” said the pirate. “We’ll knock ’at out of her.”

Oh, yeah? Over my dead body!

Faraall seized the man’s wrist and twisted it back, producing a loud snap. “Do not lay a hand on her. She is mine. If anyone touches he sea pearl, I will flay them and dine on their innards. You hear me?”

The pirate whimpered and nodded.

Faraall shoved him aside.

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