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Chapter 22

Green fireworks popped throughout the cavern as merfolk she’d turned into creepy monsters returned to their original form. They cried out in joy that they’d finally been released.

I clutched my throat and gasped for air. Water cooled the bruises she’d left on me. But it wouldn’t erase the pain or the memories she had left me with.

The shell necklace around Faraall’s neck—the one that contained the witch’s spell that had held my father hostage—crumbled into dust and drifted away.

Poseidon!I’d saved my father and my kingdom. Immense relief charged through me. Thank the sea god for his mercy and for hearing my prayers.

Gill cried out as he tried to float but couldn’t get off the sea floor.

Fin and Nemo had rounded up the weapons of the other mersoldiers and cornered them. They held their hands up, signaling they yielded.

My throat ached from being choked three times. It hurt just to breathe. But I managed to get a few husky words out. “Get my father,” I told several of the merfolk I’d freed from her magical prison. “Tell him to bring the healers.”

“Yes, Princess.” They bowed and left with haste.

“Hold on there, my friend,” Fin said, clutching Gill to his chest as if he was a dying brother. “I’ve got you.”

Gill gave a pained laugh. “I’m not going anywhere.”

In an instant, I was by their sides. My hands trembled at the sight of Gill’s wound. I touched the back of my wrist to his forehead. His skin was so cold. He’d lost a lot of blood. This kind of injury would heal in time, but a brew of herbs would prevent infection and speed up the process.

“Let me find something to help you,” I said.

But before I could leave him, he clasped the back of my neck, pulling me to him gently. The kiss he laid on my lips was soft and grateful. The kind you gave when you’d survived death. I surrendered to it, returning it with all the force I could muster, spent from using my sea gifts.

“Fuck,” he said. “I’ve never seen a merlady fight like that.”

I gave him a cheeky smile. “I’m not a merlady.”

“No, you aren’t.” The grin claiming his face made me soar.

I ran my hand along Fin’s lightly stubbled cheeks.

Nemo snuck up behind me and clasped me against the front of his body. His warmth soaked into me, calming and invigorating me. I reached up and stroked the back of his neck.

Thank Poseidon for saving my mermen.

I wriggled free of Nemo and hunted around the witch’s cavern, digging through her shelves and tools for anything I could use to bandage Gill’s wound. Next to a preparation table, I found a few potted plants of seaweed and snatched one. With frantic motions, I tied several strands together and wrapped them around Gill’s tail.

Gill took my hand and gave me a weak squeeze.

Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to sit with him. There were other wounded soldiers needing attention. Yes, they’d committed treason, but until such time as they were judged and sentenced for their crimes, they were a part of my kingdom’s merarmy. By the time I finished bandaging the last one, my father and the healers arrived.

“Nyssa,” my father said, his gaze scanning the mess and wounded mersoldiers. “What happened here?”

I’d never been so glad to see him. I jumped into his strong arms. In a way, his build reminded me of Nemo. His arms were huge, powerful, and comforting.

Behind us, the medical team attended to the wounded, disinfecting cuts and dispatching doses of herbs.

I began explaining everything, but my father pushed aside the hair floating around me.

“You’re bruised and bleeding. Who did this to you?” he asked.

“Faraall.” I pressed my palm to my father’s hand. Everything that had happened poured out of me in a rush.

Each word mounted Triton’s anger at his most trusted ally’s deceit and betrayal. The vein in his forehead pulsed. Skin on his face and neck flushed a deep pink.

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