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"Let him go," he announces to the guards, who immediately drop Beckham to the floor with a thud.

My hands twitch wanting to reach out and hold Beckham, but I throttle the feeling.

"Thank you," I say, as strong as I'm able. I hate that I've been reduced to this withering puppet who must bend to His every whim. If I ever master my powers, I will make Him pay.

I wake up quickly when someone pulls on my shoulder. Opening my eyes in a panic I see that I'm back in my bedroom, laying in bed. I'm wearing the same blood and dirt stained dress, but the residual blood seems to have been cleaned off the rest of my body. Gwenny is standing by my bed, looking chagrined.

"I'm sorry to wake you My Queen, but King Aiden felt like you needed some food and that you would probably want to change and get a bath."

I nod my head in agreement, my body still bearing the exhaustion from our magic session, and my mind still burdened by my dream. Who is He? And who was everyone else? I shake my head, convinced that the magic zapped my brain as well as the rest of me.

Gwenny fills the huge tub for me that takes up half of my bathroom, it could easily fit at least four people. Four people? I wonder why I chose that number. I soak into the warm water, the smell of lavender wafting around me. I go over the day and feel a small sense of satisfaction remembering how it felt when I released the energy. I've felt powerless for almost all of my life, stuck dealing with the whims of whoever was around me. With that thought I realize that I'm not sure how I ended up with the Reverend. Was he one of my foster parents? Did he steal me from the Andersons? It's strange how my dream seemed to go in order from memory to memory but I can't remember how I ended up with him.

When I can't come up with an answer besides the fact that I still must have more memories to recover I decide it's time to get out. The water has a slight pink tinge when I finally get out and wrap a warm towel around myself. I lost a lot of blood today.

After dressing and eating the sandwich that Gwenny has put out for me, I go to get in bed.

"My Queen, I have another sleeping tonic for you. Prince Aiden said this would help you to recover from the day."

I give her an inquiring look and she bows her head in shame.

"I didn't know what it would do, My Queen. You must believe me. I am not skilled in this sort of thing. "

I can't be mad at her. I needed to get my memories back to have any shot at fully moving on in this life. I take the drink, only feeling comfortable about drinking it after I smell it and notice that it smells the same as the drops Aiden gave me the night before. Just like the night before, it works almost instantly and I almost don't make it to the bed in time before I'm fast asleep.

Chapter 6


The sun is just peeking out over the water as my plane descends into New York City. I'm exhausted from not sleeping for over 24 hours. I tried to get some sleep on the plane but the thought of finally finding Eva was like a shot of adrenaline through my system, keeping me from getting any rest.

I impatiently click on the button that leads up to the penthouse I share with Damon, as if that can make the elevator start to move faster. The doors open, and I'm surprised to see Lexi sitting at the dining room table with Beckham and Damon, a large map in front of them. All three look as exhausted as I feel.

"Get over here," mutters Damon, ever the asshole. I walk over and stare blankly at the map of China they're looking at. Lexi has her nose almost pressed to the paper, she's whispering something under her breath and holding a large gemstone in her hand. It looks like…a witch's rosette. What would Lexi have to do with witchcraft, and why is she here at all?

I'm just about to ask when she starts pointing frantically at the map and hopping up and down.

"This is it, this is it," she cries. I peer down at the map and see that she's pointing to Zhangiajie, China. Is that where Eva is?

"Are you sure this time?" Damon says sarcastically. Lexi glares up at him.

"I was sure last time, but he's moving her. I'm sure to keep us off track."

Damon nods and then turns and starts walking towards the hallway where his bedroom is.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

"To pack. I'm going to China," he responds simply before disappearing from view.

I look at Beckham to see what he thinks, and I notice that he's sitting at the table, his head in his hands. Doesn't look like I'll be getting answers from him.

"Can someone please fill me in?" I ask. "What are you doing here?" I say, looking at Lexi.

"Why does everyone keep asking me that?" she says scornfully. "I'm Eva's best friend."

"Only because you attached yourself to her like a leech," mutters Beckham, his head now face-down in the table.

"Like you three haven't?" she says darkly. "Eva and I have a connection that none of you will ever understand. I suggest you get used to me always being around because once we find her, I'm not leaving her side."

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