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"Over my dead body," mutters Beckham.

"That can be arranged," she responds as she begins to raise her hands, which are starting to glow.

Well that's surprising. Eva's little airhead sidekick is a witch, a somewhat powerful one it appears. I quickly try to distract her before she kills my best friend.

"Hate to break up the party but I'm going to need a little bit more detail before we leave for middle of nowhere China." I tell her, crossing my arms.

Lexi goes to open her mouth, but Beckham beats her to the punch, finally pulling his head off the table. He has dark shadows under his eyes and looks like a man who has lost everything.

"Well let's see…Eva's actually some kind of queen who has been kidnapped by her crazy husband," he says, his voice rising in pitch as what appears to be anger and frustration drips out of his voice.

I look at him incredulously while Lexi rolls her eyes.

"Don't listen to Debbie Downer over there. It's far more complicated than that, I just can't tell you very much because of the spell Eva cast to save Tir Na Nog," she says wryly, as if she and Beckham are a comedy duo and she's just playing off his joke.

I'm not sure which thing to tackle first of what they both just said. Of course, what catches my attention the most is the word "husband." Eva's only 18, how does she have a husband?

Of course, Lexi looks at me incredulously when I ask that question, as if I'm the biggest idiot she's ever seen…which possibly could be true.

"Eva's only 18 in this life. She's lived who knows how many other lives. He and I have only just caught up with her in this one."

She emphasizes He, and I know she's talking about Eva's alleged husband. She points to Beckham.

"He was in her first one as well."

I feel irrationally jealous. I've felt like she had something different with Beckham…something special, this whole time and to hear that it's because he fucking knew her kills me.

Just then Damon enters the room, a large black duffel thrown over his shoulder.

"Hate to break up the tea party ladies, but our plane leaves in an hour and we still have to get through traffic.

Lexi voices what the rest of us must be thinking. "Don't we need to come up with some kind of plan. He's freaking powerful, more formidable than you are obviously understanding or that I'm capable of explaining properly. Eva had to freaking sacrifice herself to stop him, and she was the most incredible queen that I had ever seen."

"We can plan there," he responds sharply. "I just…I just need to be near her. I need to at least be close by just in case…" he trails off.

I can't argue with that logic. I feel the same burning desire to be near her…to save her…to have her back in my arms.

"Give me five," I tell him, jogging back to where my bedroom is in the penthouse to collect my stuff. I don't have much in the way of items needed for roughing it, my life the last couple of centuries or so has been very comfortable. I grab my workout gear and whatever other clothes look like they could be taken camping. We can always arrange to have supplies waiting for us when we get to China.

Feeling like I'm pretty unprepared, I grab my bag, and rush out to the living area where Damon and Beckham are glaring at each other hatefully.

"Guys?" I ask.

"Don't worry about them, they're just having a premature little testosterone battle because Beckham was Eva's fated mate in her first life."

My heart clenches big time. Lexi sure has a way of delivering news. I want to fucking punch something, or maybe just kill Beckham. Fated mate. There's no way that's true. I wouldn't feel this way if that was true. Eva owns me. Surely fate couldn't be so cruel to dangle something so perfect in front of me that I couldn't actually have. And Eva loves me. She couldn't love me as much as she does, as much as I see every time I look in her eyes if she couldn't be mine. Fated mates don't fall in love with other people. Right?

I file that information with the rest of the stuff I've learned today to hash out later on, perhaps on the long ass flight we're about to embark on.

Damon and Beckham finally both stop shooting each other glares and we head to the door.

"I need to stop by my apartment to pick up some stuff," says Beckham.

"We don't have time. What part of "one hour" didn't you understand when I said what time the flight left? We'll order what we need on the plane," says Damon annoyed.

Beckham muttered something under his breath and Damon rounds on him.

"Do you want to just stay here, oh fated one?" Damon asks sarcastically. "Or is getting your hair gel more important than getting to Eva?"

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