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"Look out your window, Eva," said Mason, bringing me out of my reverie. "You can see Tommy's house from here, it's quite the spectacle.

I eagerly scooted over to the window to look outside. Everything I had experienced since leaving the Anderson's was so new and sensational, I didn't want to miss a thing.

Tommy's house was a spectacle (whoever Tommy was). It was more than a mansion, it was more like a gigantic glass fortress. It looked like it was made of all glass. It must have had some kind of special glass on it because although you could tell that every light was on in the house, you couldn't see inside. My eyes widened as the limo got closer. I could see the ocean behind the mansion. I itched to skip the party and go walk along the beach. We finally pulled up to the front of the house. Mason got out first, and held out a hand to help me out. I wobbled a bit on my heels, I wasn't used to wearing them. I felt hands on my waist from behind me, helping to steady me. Again, I had images of Mason in front of me, Beckham behind me, both touching me at the same time. I involuntarily shivered.

"Mason," a voice somewhat slurred from in front of me.

An aging rocker, with skin almost like leather that had seen way too much sun, and way too much alcohol (judging by his blood shot eyes), waved to us. It was impossible for me to tell exactly how old he was. His clothes looked like something a young person would wear, skinny black jeans and a silver button up shirt that was deliberately unbuttoned so that a myriad of necklaces could be displayed. He had dark, black, curly hair that was held back with a black bandana. He looked…fun? Mason let go of me to walk over to the guy who I was assuming was Tommy, and clap him on the back in one of those man hugs. Mason laughed at something that Tommy said and gestured me over. I walked over, Beckham had let me go after a light caress to my waist.

"Eva, I want you to meet Tommy," Mason exclaimed, looking delighted that we were meeting.

I immediately liked Tommy. While I could tell he appreciated my looks, he didn't leer at me as so many others had tonight.

"Tommy has known me basically forever," Mason explained.

"I'm kind of like a father figure to him is what he really means," laughed Tommy. "Mason's trying not to age me in front of a pretty girl, but I would do anything for this boy," he said, kissing Mason on the forehead and ruffling his hair.

I laughed in delight at their banter.

"Let's go inside, my dear," Tommy told me, offering his arm.

I looked at Mason, and he shrugged his shoulders playfully. I grabbed Tommy's arm and we walked inside.

I couldn't help but gape around in amazement. Tommy's house was a museum. There was a little bit of every decade, and every country, sprinkled around the house. One room we passed through appeared to be dedicated wholly to the British monarchy, complete with what looked like an authentic royal crown displayed in a spotless glass case. As we went deeper into the house, I began to hear music playing and a large crowd chattering.

"It must be a real burden to hang out with these two," Tommy said jokingly as we walked into the main room and the girls began to scream with delight at the sight of Mason and Beckham.

"It really is a chore, but someone has to do it," I answered, inwardly swooning when Mason looked back at me and gave me a wink.

The award show festivities had been tame compared to the celebrations taking place right now. There was a huge dance floor in the main room, and couples were going at it in various stages all over. I blushed and looked away quickly when I saw a couple that looked like they could have been actually having sex at that moment a few feet away from where we had walked in. Tommy caught where I was looking and laughed uproariously, slinging his arm around me and leading me to the bar.

"Let's get you a drink my blushing beauty," Tommy garbled, still sounding charming despite his intoxicated state. "I have just the drink for you to try," he cried. "Alfonso! Make this siren a red-faced virgin."

I gulped somewhat nervously as Alfonso (the bartender), handed me a shot glass with something that was neon green…and smoking. I had brought the shot glass to my lips, prepared to dare a drink, when a hand swooped in and grabbed it from me.

"Hey!" I cried out to the mystery thief. The shot glass was replaced by soft lips. I immediately relaxed into the kiss, Mason's scent and taste washing over me.

A throat cleared near us, and I pulled away reluctantly from Mason. I was really starting to like this whole kissing thing. I turned to look at who had interrupted us, and blushed profusely when I saw that it was Beckham, Vanessa again attached to his arm. Tommy was looking between the four of us, a small grin on his face as if he knew a joke that none of us were apart of. Looking closer at Beckham, there was tension lines around his mouth, as if something was upsetting him. Mason didn't seem to notice.

"Tommy, what the fuck where you trying to give to my girl?" he asked, the shot glass filled with the still smoking liquid gripped in his hand, somehow surviving our kiss.

Beckham grabbed the shot out of Mason's hand and tipped it back quickly, wiping his mouth elegantly with his sleeve. Mason grinned at Beckham, still apparently not noticing the tightness that was all over Beckham's body. He ordered me a drink, this time a glass of champagne, something that I felt much better about drinking. I leaned against Mason as he chatted with Beckham and Tommy, swaying slightly to the music and watching the riotous crowd.

Mason must have noticed my slight dancing because he stopped talking to Beckham and Tommy, and looked down at me.

"Will you dance with me?" he asked in his usual heart stopping manner. I nodded, momentarily caught off guard by his sexiness. Mason kissed the top of my head and strode off towards the dance floor, pulling me behind him. Beckham was following us, Vanessa grasping tightly to his arm. Mason stood behind me and began to move, his body weaving seductively behind me. He was a master at seduction. A brush there, a touch here, all of it served to spin my body to record heights. I could feel the hard length of his arousal behind me. I pushed my body back against it, causing him to curse under his breath. I laughed, looking up at him with delight. I faced forward again… and froze. Beckham was staring at me intensely, Vanessa rubbing up against him almost ferociously. The music seemed to slow, I could sense movement all around me, but in that moment it was just Beckham and I.

We were in a glistening golden room, hundreds of chandeliers and sparkling lights shining down on us. Beckham was glowing, the golden light reflecting off of his hair, making him look more handsome than ever. I was the envy of every girl in the room. He was spinning me around the room as other partygoers danced around me. I was wearing a red, tightly fitted dress that swished around my feet as I moved. Beckham leaned in close to me.

"I've never seen anything so lovely in my entire life," he whispered, so lovingly that I wanted to cry with happiness.

He pulled me into the length of his hard body, a feeling of comfort and rightness welling up inside of me. There would never be anyone else for me.

"Eva," Mason's voice called. I realized I was just standing there on the dance floor staring at Beckham like a creeper. I laughed in a high fake voice. "I think I'm still feeling a little flushed from before the show. Can we go get some water?" I asked Mason, who was looking at me concerned again. I didn't look back at Beckham as we walked off the floor and back towards the bar, but I could feel his gaze follow me off the dance floor. Whatever was going on, I needed to get ahold of myself. Hallucinating about strangers? What was wrong with me?

Chapter 4

I made small talk with Mason and some other guests who had crowded around us, as I tried to calm my quaking heart. My hands were shaking just a bit as I clutched my water. I saw Vanessa and Beckham again out of the corner of my eye. She was gesturing to him furiously, her face illustrating her displeasure with whatever he had done. He looked like he felt slightly guilty, but he didn't seem to be saying anything back to her. Tommy appeared out of nowhere on my other side.

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