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I settled back into my seat, my mind musing over my interaction with Beckham. Mason reached out and grasped my hand, his thumb moving up and down to the beat of the song that was starting. I smiled and sighed. These boys were going to be the death of me.

Chapter 2


There have been a lot of moments in my life. Moments of joy, moments of despair. So many moments. But I knew intrinsically that meeting Eva tonight would go down as the most important moment so far in my long life. It was a struggle to keep my emotions from bleeding out onto my face as we approached Mason and Eva. I doubted either Vanessa or Mason would be comfortable at the way I wanted to throw myself at her feet and beg her to keep me forever.

She looked indescribable, like everything I had ever wanted wrapped in one glowing package. She radiated this light that reflected out into the room, attracting everyone's attention. Her ebony dress clung to a frame that the gods must have been envious over. Perfect curves from head to toe. Her hair hung in gold waves down her back, and her eyes stared intensely back at me, sucking me in with their clear depths. In the instance before she had fainted, when Mason had introduced me, I had seen a look on her face of recognition and possession, like I belonged to her. As I had approached, a strand of thought had strayed across my mind, feeling like an actual memory more than anything else, of the two of us in a different time.

Eva had been dressed in a glimmering cream dress, and I had reached a black gloved hand to stroke her face, calling her "My Queen" as I did so.

I was sure I hadn't ever met Eva though, and was confused at where such a thought had come from or why I had been calling her that. As the thought faded from my mind, Eva's eyes had rolled back, and she began to collapse. Mason grabbed her before she hit the ground.

My hands clenched, desperate to hold her. From the possessive way Mason was holding Eva, and the warm look he had been giving her as we approached, I knew my friend was in deep. The only problem was, I felt that I could be in deep with Eva as well. Again, that feeling of awareness rushed over me, whispering to my heart that I had in fact always felt this way about Eva, despite the fact that my brain knew we were just meeting.

Mason had sent me a text telling me Eva was fine while I was looking for a doctor to look at her. Vanessa, upon reading the text over my shoulder, had immediately delightedly dragged me to socialize with various industry people. I was frustrated, I wanted to make sure that Eva was all right in person.

I was distracted as Vanessa chattered with some singer whose name I couldn't remember. Seeing Eva had seemed to open up a sieve inside of me. Flashes of strange scenes kept floating through my memory, feeling so real that I could reach out and touch them. Every single scene featured Eva at its center. In some she was laughing, her head thrown back with delight at something I had said to her. In others we were riding palominos in an open lush field, the wind pulling her streaming gold hair behind her as we raced to some unknown destination. In others we were lying in a lacey, white bed, gauzy curtains cocooning us in a space that was all our own.

My cock involuntarily stirred as I remembered the smooth feel of her skin, the way that her lips tasted as I pressed them to mine, my tongue pushing to enter and lick the sweet taste of her mouth.

"Honey," Vanessa's voice stirred me from what had seemed more like reminiscing than figments of my raging libido's imagination. A taste of sugar and honey lay heavy on my tongue, so real that I felt sorrow that Eva's lips weren't on mine at that moment.

"Sorry, what were you saying," I said hurriedly, staring down with what I hoped looked like interest at Vanessa.

Vanessa and I had been friends since I first decided to try my hand at Hollywood. I had never hooked up with her, despite the longing I saw in her eyes when she looked at me, determined not to use her for something I couldn't follow through with. I had actually, finally been going to tell her we could try and date tonight. I had grown so tired of dating people I couldn't trust and Vanessa had been there for me for years. But that thought had been before I met Eva tonight.

"I was just telling Charise about the new project you are working on," she said sweetly.

"Oh yes, I'm very excited about the opportunity to work on such an amazing story," I answered automatically, ready made responses always on the tip of my tongue since no one bothered to ask me anything interesting. My attention trailed away again as Charise started chattering about a project she had recently worked on, as if I actually cared. I felt anxious. I wanted to go back to Eva and find a way to ask her if what I was seeing was real. If she had the same memories inside of her. I smiled automatically as Vanessa said her goodbyes. She waved once more and then took my arm so that I could escort her into the auditorium to catch our seats before the start of the show.

Chapter 3


Mason could best be described as giddy as the show ended. The Riot had swept the show, winning all of the awards they had been nominated for and breaking the previous record for most Grammy's won in a year. I was swept up in the excitement and Mason's happiness, loving this playful side of him.

The band was eager to get to the after-parties, ready to bask in the praise of the other guests over their success. Mason pulled me to him and kissed me hard before stepping back, grabbing my hand, and pulling me towards the doors. He immediately was inundated by congratulations and admiration as we walked, everyone trying to get a piece of him before we left. Mason encircled me with his arms and I felt deja vu from the previous night when we had been attacked by the swarms of photographers. I stiffened involuntarily at the memory, but Mason didn't seem to notice.

We eventually made our way out to the limo line, Beckham and Vanessa meeting us at the doors to walk out with us. Lexi and Lane had disappeared somewhere else with the rest of the band. Beckham seemed to hover protectively by my side as Mason walked behind me. I liked the feeling of them closing in around me. It made me feel protected from the peering eyes around us. Mason had Vanessa and I enter the limo first, he and Beckham following behind us.

As soon as we sat down, Mason pulled me into a long kiss that made my whole body heat up. The fact that I could feel Beckham's eyes intensely watching us pushed my temperature up even more.

"That was fucking amazing!" said Mason, seeming to be talking about both the show and the kiss.

"Proud of you buddy," said Beckham. I noticed that he kept some distance from Vanessa. I had thought that they were together, but I hadn't seen him act anything more than respectful towards her. She was looking away from Mason and I, staring out the window at the buildings passing by.

"Are we going to Tommy's party?" asked Beckham.

"Ya, I promised him we would stop by for at least an hour," answered Mason, wrapping an arm around me and pulling me close.

I had noticed that Mason never stopped touching me. He was super affectionate, which I loved. This gruff rocker had the sweetest center. Beckham and Mason chatted back and forth while we drove. Occasionally Vanessa would interject a comment. I stayed mostly quiet, content to sit back and listen to the industry gossip. The three of them seemed to know everything about everyone. Vanessa was a publicist evidently, although not Beckham's. I gleaned from the conversation that they had been friends for a long time. Beckham had been quick to stress the word friends, with a look towards me as he did so. Involuntarily I felt butterflies build up in my stomach.

I obviously didn't know any of these men very well, but all three of them made me feel like fireworks were going off inside of me. Damon was so sweet and giving towards me. The gestures he had made for me, both big and small, had made me feel for the first time in my life that I was actually safe and cared for. Daydreaming about what he was like had gotten me through my last few months with the Andersons. To find out that he was ten times more amazing in person than in my dreams had been breathtaking to experience. He had been willing to make the extra effort and go slow with me, when I could tell that was not his usual style. He paid close attention to things that I cared about, and made it apart of our relationship. I loved that about him.

Mason was my gruff teddy bear. He made me feel sexy and wanted. I loved that he always wanted to touch me, and that he was so generous with his affection. He made me feel like I was the center of his world in the very short time I had known him. I wondered if that would continue when he went back on tour.

I knew Beckham least of all, but already I could tell he was like a ray of light. He brought out happiness in those around him. Mason laughed and joked with Beckham more than I had seen him do with anyone else. Although I had just met him, I strangely felt more familiarity with Beckham than I did with Mason or Damon. Beckham felt like coming home. All three felt important, like I had known them forever, but my interactions with Beckham had made my heart ache a bit, like I had been missing him my whole life and just now gotten him back.

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