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"Lucky bitch, I can't even think of what to put on you," she said. "I don't think I could even see your pores if I got a microscope."

I powdered my nose and pretended not to hear her. Finally after an hour of getting ready, Selena called us together for a pregame meeting. She rattled on about making sure we didn't embarrass the team. After ten minutes of lecturing, Coach Ryan graciously stepped in, cutting Selena off mid-sentence and giving us a pep talk to try and counteract the threats that Selena had just leveraged against us. Then, it was time to go out to the underground tunnel that led up to the field.

Lexi had explained to me that we would run out onto the field before the football team, but I still felt butterflies as we waited for the team to come out. I watched as the football team started to stream out of the underground entrance to their locker room. The first couple of players almost tripped when they saw us standing in the hallway. I looked down at my uniform. Rothmore's school colors were red, black, and white. My uniform consisted of a black sports bra type top that had Rothmore in red and white across the front, and then a black mini skirt. I felt really uncomfortable showing this much skin, and the looks that the players were giving me as they came out in the tunnel made me even more self conscious. I didn't think it was possible to petition Coach to let me wear a t-shirt, so I would have to make the best of it I laughed to myself.

At that moment, Eric came out, making a beeline towards me as soon as he saw me. Right before he got to me one of the football coaches barked out his name, saving me. I was beginning to think that the coaches were actually guardian angels in disguise with how much they kept Eric away from me.

My jaw dropped when Damon stepped out into the tunnel. A lot of the girls started screaming when they saw him. He smiled at them and waved, and then turned towards me, giving me a smoldering look in the way that only Damon could. My heart leapt.

If I thought he looked good in everyday clothes, or even in his practice pads…nothing compared to him in his uniform. The Rothmore home uniforms were all black, and they left nothing to the imagination. He had turned to answer a question that someone on the team had asked him, and I found myself drooling over his butt. Damon Pierce was dangerous. Not that I had doubted his powers before, but this was on a whole other level. Damon walked over and wiped imaginary drool from my mouth, or it could have been real drool. I couldn't be blamed for my reaction to him at the moment.

"See something you like baby?" he asked with a smirk.

I nodded profusely, inwardly yelling at myself. There was no playing it cool with these boys. He leaned in close to me, the scruff on his face tickling my ear.

"You look so fucking hot baby. I'm dying to drag you off and start back where we left off last night."

I don't think I could have blushed any harder than I did at that moment. He pulled me in for a kiss in front of everyone, prompting most of his team to give a big cheer, and causing Coach Ryan to yell at us to "break it up."

At that moment, the horn sounded from up the tunnel. It was time to go out on the field. Adrenaline hit me as my feet touched the turf. Since we usually practiced on the fields next to the stadium, we had been practicing this last week in the stadium so that we could get our spots right for our game performance. Despite those practices, nothing could have prepared me for what this felt like. I had read that the Rothmore football stadium could hold 70,000 people, an architectural feat in New York City, but I hadn't really comprehended what that many people would actually feel like. There were people everywhere. The field was full of the marching band, reporters, medics, and tv camera crews.

We ran to the sideline to start cheering as the football team started to run out on the field. The noise of the crowd was deafening. A chant of "Damon, Damon" started, and I saw Damon waving at the crowd. I wondered if he had already taken the medicine he had told me about, and how long it lasted. He certainly still looked supernaturally perfect as he tossed the football to a teammate for warmup. I tried not to be distracted with how the muscles in his arms and hands flexed so sexily as he threw the ball.

"Eva!" Lexi whispered from next to me. "The camera is on you, try to smile!"

I immediately turned on my smile, mentally forcing myself not to stare at Damon anymore. The cameras were indeed facing right at me, and Coach Ryan was motioning at me from the sidelines to get a move on.

We started a new cheer that involved me doing a few complicated flips in front of the crowd. I got into position and began to execute the flips, the crowd in front of me going crazy. As I finished, I stumbled on my last step. I grabbed my head. It felt like a million hornets were buzzing in my ear. The buzzing rose in intensity. As it got louder I realized that the buzzing actually sounded more like a million voices talking at once. I shook my head, trying to clear it and get rid of whatever was happening. Someone pulled on my arm.

"Are you okay?" yelled Lexi.

Except I didn't think she was yelling, it actually looked like she was just whispering. What was happening to me?

I smiled weakly and shrugged my shoulders, motioning that I was alright. She looked at me suspiciously but went back to the cheer. I went along with the motions, pain continuing to pulse through my head from all of the noise. I looked over to where Damon was talking to his coach about 30 feet away from me. All of a sudden I could clearly hear their conversation.

"This is a hell of a team to start the season with, but I'm confident you'll pull us through," the football coach was saying.

I shook my head. There's no way that I should be able to hear their conversation from so far away. I stared at a couple who appeared to be arguing at least 40 feet away.

"I saw you staring at her ass Brian, you can't hide that from me," the lady yelled at the guilty looking man standing beside her.

What was happening to me? I experimented with people at various distances and learned that if I focused hard enough on the person, there was almost no distance in the stadium that was too far for me to hear what they were saying. I also learned that if I didn't focus on one person, the buzzing of all of the voices would return, practically paralyzing me in the process from how loud everything got.

There was an extremely quiet girl on the team named Diane. She was friendly with everyone, but didn't seem to like conversation very much. I focused on her for the rest of the pregame, which provided me some much-needed relief. I was so busy trying not to blast out my eardrums by focusing on Diane, that I didn't notice Damon surreptitiously trying to get my attention while pretending to grab a drink on a bench nearby until Lexi nudged my shoulder.

"Hey baby," he said, still pretending to be drinking his water and watching the crowd in an effort to throw reporters off that fact that we were together.

I couldn't help but laugh. Everyone was still looking over to where we were standing, they were always looking at me despite my best efforts to blend in.

"Having fun?" he asked me, his voice blaring out at me.

"There's something wrong with me I think," I told him hurriedly since the game was about to start. He looked at me sharply.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"I can hear…everything," I told him, struggling to clearly explain what was happening to me.

His worried expression relaxed.

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