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"Beckham thought something like this might happen," he said, pulling two small objects out of a bag on the bench next to him. "I've been keeping some ear plugs around just in case. They're a heavy-duty kind, and they should help keep the noise level down until you're able to learn how to manage it."

"Beckham's been expecting this?" I asked confused.

Damon was about to open his mouth when his coach blew his whistle, looking over at Damon disgruntledly.

"I'll explain everything later," he said. "Just put them in your ears for now so that you can get through the game comfortably."

I nodded and did as he said. I sighed in relief as the ear plugs settled into place. The roar of the crowd died down to a manageable level, and I could stop concentrating so hard on sweet Diane and resume normal conversations with Lexi and my other teammates.

With the ear plugs in, I returned to cheering. The energy in the stadium was crazy. People were absolutely out of their mind with excitement to see Damon play. Once the game started, I could see why. Damon Pierce was enthralling.

No matter what the other team did, Damon was better. Our defense seemed to be struggling today, and Mt. Whitmore College was marching down our field almost every time it seemed like. Damon didn't even seem phased. Our team scored every single time thanks to him. Whether he was running it in for a touchdown, or throwing it down the field for one, he was perfect every time. Examining him closely I could tell the difference between him without the magic pill, and him with the magic pill though. He was less polished, less fluid in his movements, less…angelic.

Watching Damon's face during the game I could see that he absolutely loved playing. I was happy that he had this in his life. Just like Mason's music, and Beckham's acting, playing football seemed to complete something in Damon.

At halftime we were up by two touchdowns. The team ran off the field to the locker rooms while we prepared to perform the halftime show. Getting into position, a roar from the crowd caught my eye. I thought I saw a familiar golden head walking along the sidelines. Was that Beckham?

Coach yelled at us to pay attention, and I turned my attention back to the crowd, waiting for the music to play that signaled the start of our routine. For some reason I had been put at the very front center of the formation for most of the routine, and my stomach fluttered with nerves about screwing up. The music began, and I began to move. The stiffness of my movements slowly faded away as I enjoyed the dance routine we were performing. I could feel the eyes of the crowd focused on me, even the reporters had turned their cameras towards our routine, but I ignored it all, lost in the music and my motions.

"Eva!" came a whisper from beside me as we ran to our groups that we would be doing lifts with.

"What?" I said, seeing that it was Lexi.

"You're glowing!" she told me frantically.

I looked down at my arm, and gulped…sure enough, there was a faint light emitting from my skin. I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself, watching the glow slightly fade with shocked eyes.

Lexi was giving me the side eye as we continued to perform. I knew I was going to have to avoid a lot of hard questions later on by the looks of things.

I focused on keeping my breathing and excitement under control so that my glow stayed muted. I would have to ask Damon about this little characteristic as well. I just hoped that I hadn't been caught on national television glowing…

Our routine finished with me being thrown up in the air where I was supposed to do a couple of flips. Adrenaline rushed through me as I soared into the sky, for a second it felt like I was almost flying. I executed my flips, adding in one more turn then was planned in the routine since I was so full of energy. The routine ended…and the crowd went wild. It seemed like we were almost getting the same amount of cheering as the football team did, and I looked around our squad with delight. Everyone was jumping up and down and high-fiving each other. I looked over at Coach and she had a very impressed look on her face as she gazed back at me. She gave me a thumbs-up.

We raced off the field towards the sidelines. As I got closer, I saw that the golden head I had seen earlier was in fact Beckham. I stopped suddenly, causing Lexi to curse behind me as she narrowly avoided running into me. He was as beautiful as I had remembered.

He was chatting with a couple of men standing next to him. The group was all dressed down, and seemed to be enjoying the view as they watched the cheerleading team run towards the sideline. He was wearing dark fitted jeans and a sky-blue t-shirt that was so tight you could see the barest outline of his abs beneath the fabric. I had to hold in my drool. Him and Damon on the field at the same time would probably cause some heart attacks today.

Despite the fact that he seemed to be occupied, I somehow knew that he was fully aware of where I was. I began to perform our sideline cheers, keeping one eye on Beckham at the same time. Various girls came up to the group frequently and seemed to be asking them all for autographs. While the rest of the group seemed very flirty, Beckham was simply polite, signing their papers and turning to watch the game which had just resumed.

Damon had winked at me when he came back on the field. I couldn't help but smile back at him. He didn't seem to have noticed that Beckham had come to the game. I wondered if he was as close to Beckham as he was to Mason.

The rest of the game flew by. Damon was absolutely amazing. Towards the end, I wondered if the medicine was wearing off as his play seemed to definitely border on otherworldly. Rothmore pulled off the win despite the crap performance of the defense, winning by 15 points.

Damon was so exuberant that he ran towards me after the clock ran off, picking me up and spinning me around much to the crowd's, and the camera's, delight.

"I made Coach turn on the tv so that I could see your halftime performance in the locker room," he told me before I could get a word in. "You were incredible," he told me with an awed look on his face.

"You were the one who was incredible," I said, loving the feel of his arms around me. He gave me a kiss and pulled away.

"I have to go talk to the press for a bit," he explained. "Wait for me after the game?"

I nodded my head and smiled as he jogged away, totally forgetting to mention that Beckham was here.

"What the hell is in your ear?" came a snide voice from the left of me.

Pain laced through my head as one of my ear plugs was yanked out, the roar of the crowd pulsing through my ear drums. Selena was examining the ear plug in her hand puzzled until Lexi came and snatched it away from her.

Lexi handed it back to me and I quickly put it back in, giving a slight sigh of relief as the overwhelming noise was muffled. Lexi began to open her mouth, presumably to tell Selena off, before another voice cut her off.

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