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Beckham led me down a set of steep stairs that I hadn't noticed descending from a break in the guardrail. I gripped the railing and Beckham's hand tightly, and picked my way down the metal stairs, not looking up at the views until we had reached the bottom. When I did look, I gasped in amazement. We were standing in a gorgeous, little beach that was completely deserted. It was like Beckham had transported us to a private paradise where we were the only two people who existed.

The water was a perfect deep blue with waves that crested softly against the gilded sand. There were white shells scattered along the shore with the occasional strands of seaweed. Beckham had set down the basket and blanket and was now watching me keenly, with that same amused smile he always seemed to be wearing.

I couldn't help but give him a sudden, huge hug in delight. Of course a hug wasn't enough for him, he immediately used the close proximity to scoop me up in his arms and start to run towards the waves.

"Beckham, no!" I screeched, alarmed at the fact that I was pretty sure he was about to dump me in the water.

He was sweeter than I had given him credit for though. When we got to the water's edge he put me down, sliding me down his body slowly as he did so, staring into my eyes. His gaze was so intense, so filled with unspoken words, that I couldn't even be distracted by the touch of the icy water against my toes.

"Angel," he whispered, reaching up to brush a strand of my hair from off my face.

"Beckham, stop!" I squealed with laughter as he continued to chase me through the trees. He kept up his pursuit, letting me stay far enough in front for it to still be fun. I burst through a break in the trees suddenly and found myself at the edge of the lake. I stopped before I hit the water and admired the view in front of me while I waited for Beckham to catch up. It was a gorgeous day, the sky a glistening blue that reminded me of Beckham's eyes. There was a breeze floating off the lake, carrying with it the scent of fresh honeysuckles from across the way.

All of a sudden hands grabbed me, and I yelped in surprise. It was Beckham of course, and I sighed with delight when he scooped me up in his arms and twirled me around before setting me down. As he slowly slid me to the ground, our eyes met. The years of sly flirting, and stolen touches seemed to bubble up between us in that moment. He stared at my lips, momentarily entranced by them.

Would this be the moment, the moment that carried us beyond the best friends we had been for years? The moment that fulfilled the fate's promise that we were a soul match… Beckham slowly leaned towards me, his supple lips softly caressing mine. That seemed to be enough to spark a fire in him however, as he suddenly crashed his lips into mine with a fervor I hadn't seen from him before. I melted into the kiss, feverishly tasting him back. His hands softly caressed me, holding my head in place as he kissed me deeply. This was surely love…

"Eva," Beckham said sharply, slightly shaking me at the same time.

I just stared at him, my mind whirling over what I had just seen. What was happening to me?

"Eva are you all right? You've been out of it for a full minute!" he said.

At least I hadn't fainted this time as we appeared to be in the same position we were in a moment before.

"Yes, yes. I'm fine," I assured him. "I don't know where my head's been at lately," I lamented.

He looked at me suspiciously.

"Are you sure you alright?" he asked.

I suddenly wondered if he had seen the same thing as me.

"Have you noticed anything strange since we met?" I asked him cautiously.

"You mean besides the fact that you seem to have trouble not fainting around me?" he asked, finally relaxing and letting out a laugh. His laugh was belied by a nervous twitch at the corner of his eye. I frowned, frustrated at all the mysteries in my life at the moment, and the fact that neither he nor Mason seemed to want to volunteer what they knew. Although I couldn't really talk since I hadn't mentioned Damon to either of them…

Beckham turned and began leading me towards where he had dropped the picnic basket and the blanket, his arm draped around my waist. He pulled his arm back to spread out the blanket and I immediately felt the loss of it. I sat down and pulled my knees up to my chest, going over what I had seen.

Was I dreaming about another life? Was this one of those things I had read about where people were reincarnated or something and I was seeing one of my former lives? It was either something like that or I was going crazy because the feeling that I had known Beckham for perhaps forever was growing stronger.

I idly watched Beckham begin to pull out strawberries, fancy looking cheese, and some cut up French bread, wondering when he had time to put such a nice basket together. We picked at the food in silence, not necessarily an uncomfortable one, just a distracted one. I played with the sand next to the blanket, going over everything I had seen in the last few days. First things first though…I needed to ask Beckham about the conversation I had heard this morning between him and Mason. But how did you go about asking about vampires and succubi... with a straight face?

"I heard you this morning," I blurted out.

Beckham's eyes bugged out, and he choked on the strawberry he had just put in his mouth.

"What exactly did you hear?" he asked, seeming to be trying to choose his words carefully.

"This sounds crazy coming out of my mouth…but I heard you talking about how I wasn't exactly human…and that you weren't either."

Beckham stared at me for a moment.

"You're taking this awfully calm considering most people would think you were in the presence of a lunatic after hearing something like that," he finally answered in a measured tone, the slight shake in his hands the only way to tell he was caught off guard by my statement.

"There's always been something off about me," I said reluctantly.

I really didn't want to get in to what had happened to me at the Anderson's, but I at least had to explain some of it for him to understand what I meant.

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