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"Could we spend some time on the beach?" I asked timidly. "Last night was my first time being on the beach."

Beckham and Mason exchanged glances.

"Of course," Mason answered me.

Excited for the beach plans, I went back to ogling Beckham and Mason while they finished making breakfast. Soon Beckham handed me a plate loaded with eggs and pancakes. I eagerly dug in. I had been too nervous to eat very much so far this weekend. Mason poured me a cup of coffee. I took a sip and grimaced. Mason laughed at me.

"I guess I got used to a certain kind of coffee I always get in the city," I replied, groaning inside at the fact that once again I was covering up my connection with Damon.

"Have you tried this place called Leslie's?" asked Mason.

I froze, not knowing what to say.

"Yes," I said slowly. "That's actually one of my favorite places," I said.

Mason stared at me with a searching look but didn't say anything more much to my relief. A cell phone on the kitchen counter started ringing, interrupting the moment. Mason picked it up and glanced at it, looking perturbed.

"Yes?" he answered, sounding impatient. "I have plans today," he spoke to the mystery caller. "Why does it have to be done today?...Fine, I'll be there in twenty," he finished, cutting off the speaker without saying goodbye. "Fuck," he swore, tossing his phone on the counter.

He looked at me forlornly.

"I've got to run to a meeting with the record executives at the label before we leave this afternoon. Beckham will have to keep you occupied."

I looked at Beckham. He was wearing a huge grin on his face like he had just found out he had won the lottery. I felt nervous all of a sudden. I was sure that Beckham's presence was the catalyst for all of the strange visions and dreams I had been having on this trip. I wasn't sure that I wanted to have more this afternoon. Beckham's face dropped when he saw the unease on my face.

"We can go wait at the recording studio for Mason to get out of his meeting if you want," he said with a sad look.

"No, I'm excited for our plans," I announced, trying to ease his mind.

Mason looked between the two of us, and then shook his head before walking over to me and kissing me soundly on the lips.

"I'll see you in a few hours," he said. "Don't have too much fun without me."

I smiled and hugged him for a moment, feeling his smooth skin against mine, before allowing him to pull away from me to leave. I watched him walk out of the room before turning towards Beckham who had been watching the two of us avidly.

"Where to first?" I asked with a grin.

Chapter 8

The rest of the morning was magical. After we put the dishes from breakfast in the sink, Beckham led me down another long hallway to a garage that had a multitude of shiny cars, trucks, motorcycle, and the like. It resembled the garage under Damon's penthouse, except I knew that all of these vehicles had to belong to Beckham. Although, come to think of it, Damon probably owned most of the vehicles in that garage as well since he hadn't let Shelton answer my question about the cars the other night.

I was cut off from my distracted musings when Beckham clicked a key, and the most gorgeous white convertible beeped from nearby and started automatically. I decided right then and there that it was my dream car.

Beckham laughed at me when I involuntarily squealed with delight, and did a little jump. He opened the door and waited for me to get in before walking around to the driver's side. One of the garage doors opened, and he sped out, making me look frantically for the seat belt before I flew out of the car.

It was a gorgeous day. I was convinced that the sky was just more blue in California. There was a light breeze in the air that pulled at Beckham's hair as we drove, making it dance. He looked more like a golden prince than ever before with the strands glistening in the sunlight. That same bittersweet sense of familiarity rushed over me and I had to look away before I involuntarily started to tear up for no explainable reason.

I watched fascinated as we drove down a highway that ran parallel to the ocean. I was in awe of it all. The smell of the sea in the breeze, the squawking of the seagulls as they dipped and dived over us, the sound of the waves crashing against the surf, it was so different than New York City, but no less magical to me. I looked over at Beckham who for some reason looked extremely masculine in that moment casually steering with one hand. He had put on a pair of aviators like the male models I had seen in magazines, except he looked a million times sexier than any of them had looked.

I sighed and he glanced over at me, an amused look on his face.

"Enjoying yourself angel?" he asked. Why did that endearment sound so familiar as well? It was making me feel like I was going crazy, this sense of deja-vu when I knew I had never met him before. I must have been showing my frustration on my face because he casually grabbed my hand and started rubbing his thumb over my skin in a soothing manner, not seeming to care that I hadn't answered his question. I laid my head back against my seat and stared back out at the ocean, trying to ignore the ever present tingles flowing up my body from where we touched, the same feeling I always got when I was near any of the guys.

We drove for at least an hour, chatting back and forth about nothing in particular, when he pulled off to the side of the highway that opened up into a scenic lookout.

"We're here!" said Beckham excitedly as he popped the trunk and hopped out of the car.

He grabbed a basket and a blanket that I hadn't seen him put in the car, and then came around to my side and held out his hand for me to grab.

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