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Chapter 23


It was official, I was in hell. But the most unbelievable hell possible. Somehow Eva had ended up turned towards me, her head nestled in my neck, and her leg shoved between mine. I was rock hard and struggling to control myself from moving against her. “Dead puppies, naked 90 year olds, vampires,” I chanted to myself, trying to calm down. The last thing I wanted to do was make her uncomfortable and disrupt how far I had come with her. I could tell Eva was very inexperienced by how she blushed when I even brushed against her hand. Something I didn’t know how was possible seeing as she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.

Everywhere we went people went crazy over her. This was mostly exhibited with them stopping whatever they were doing and staring at her in shocked awe, but it also meant that people did whatever they could to get close to her, to talk to her, and to try and either get her number or give her their number. She didn’t seem to notice her effect on people, or at least thought it was for some other reason. The last few weeks I had hired a security company to keep people away when we were out. They were good at blending into the crowds so that Eva didn’t know what was going on. I had gotten tired of snatching up phone numbers when she wasn’t looking, and Shelton was too old to keep having to keep people from approaching her.

Eva sighed in her sleep and snuggled deeper into my neck, her breath soft on my skin. Fuck…I wanted to take it to the next level with her, which in this case meant kissing. I had never gone so slow or made such an effort with a girl. In fact, I couldn’t really remember ever having made an effort at all in my very long life. My plan seemed to be working to get her to lower her defenses though, so it was worth it.

I had been following her for weeks, watching her habits and deciding when to show up at opportune times. I had been hovering around her dorm that first morning when she stepped out to run, and had been wearing workout clothes just in case she had asked questions of what I was doing there. It had worked out better than I had dreamed since now we ran together every morning. Since then I had continued to follow her. She made sure to limit our time to runs in the morning and occasional lunches and dinners in an effort to keep her distance, and it wasn’t enough for me. She was addictive and the more that I got a taste of her, the more I wanted. I was her stalker. She was never out of my mind and even when I managed to sleep she haunted my dreams even more than she had before when I didn’t know who she was.

In my long existence I had never had a wet dream, I hadn’t even known it was possible for me to have a wet dream. But since I had met her giving myself multiple hand jobs a day had done nothing from preventing me from having a wet dream every night. I would have been embarrassed if it had been about any other girl, but I imagined that she would have that effect on any guy. I hadn’t been tempted in the least to mess around with anyone else since I had started spending time with Eva. Selena had been blowing up my phone, not understanding that we were really done. After seeing Eva it felt like I had woken from a trance and now could see how foul every other girl was. Eva was a blessing and a curse.

It was time for me to put my next plan into motion. She would hate me if she ever found out what I was going to do, but I didn’t want her sleeping in that dorm anymore. I wanted her sleeping here, in my apartment, dependent on me and forced to spend more time with me. I owned the school at this point. I was planning on telling administration and housing that they needed to kick her out of her dorm and say that there had been a mistake and not only did her scholarship not cover housing, but that there was a shortage of housing and they didn’t have a place for her. I told myself it was for her protection as well. She garnered obsession wherever she went.

I would know since I was one of those obsessed. I knew Eric had been becoming more and more desperate since she had been starting to separate herself from him. Based on the amount of guys that now hung out in places she frequented, I knew he wasn’t the only one. I didn’t want anything and anyone to distract Eva from being with me and this was the only way I could see what I wanted actually happening. In the back of my mind, I acknowledged that all of those things were excuses for the selfishness that was actually guiding my actions. But I had long ago accepted that about myself. Going over my plan made me finally relax, secure in the knowledge that no one would be able to take her away from me. I drifted off to sleep with the sweet smell of cherry blossoms and vanilla, and quintessential Eva filling my nose, the usual night terrors that haunted my sleep staying at bay for the first time in a very long time.

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